

  1. You got to love how the family guy writers don't mind pointing out how completely stupid and ridiculous the woke PC cancel culture bullshit is, even making jokes about how wrong, misguided and nonsensical it is, but once that's done they always still show they are in full support of it regardless. Also, 12:04 if you find yourself in a situation like this where the lunatic, pearl clutching, purity spiraling, cancel culture mob is coming after you for whatever reason, apologizing is the biggest mistake you could make. NEVER apologize to these freaks. It's an admission of guilt for something you're not actually guilty of, and it only empowers these rabid lunatics and cause them to keep attacking you. Cause your apology gives them what they want, attention and validation. But if you just ignore the freaks they will quickly get distracted, move on and forget about you.
    Also, 13:51 this is such bullshit. It's not your responsibility to price to any cancel culture mob that you're not whatever they are calling you. That whole notion is just a control tactic used to force people's behavior and to manipulate people. Again, just ignore the freaks, don't give them the attention they are so desperate for, and they will go away. They have no power over you unless you let them.

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