نظريات مؤامرة التحقيق تستهدف الرياضيات. هل يهدد الرياضيون المتحولون حقًا العدالة في الرياضة، أم أن هذا مجرد عذر آخر للإقصاء؟ انضم إلينا تايرا بليزارد المؤيدة للرياضيين والمهووسة بالجنس لكسر الأساطير والمعلومات الخاطئة والسياسات المشبوهة التي تقف وراء كل ذلك. من الفضائح الأولمبية إلى TERFs كونها TERFs، نحن هنا لنقدم لك الشاي حول مشاركة المتحولين جنسيًا في الألعاب الرياضية وسبب أهميتها. تنزيل FEELD: Vizzy Hard Seltzer: FOLLOW TYRA Instagram: Tiktok: FOLLOW US Instagram: Tiktok: Facebook: الموقع الإلكتروني: البريد الإلكتروني: queer.collective.to@gmail.com 00:00 ما هو Transvestigating؟ 03:18 ما هي المعلومة الخاطئة؟ 04:00 تاريخ الألعاب الأولمبية 06:43 هل يمثل الرياضيون المتحولون مشكلة؟ 07:58 لماذا هذه قضية استقطابية؟ 13:43 لماذا الناس مهووسون بالنساء المتخنثات؟ 32:36 الراعي 33:27 ما هي السياسات الرياضية الحالية؟ 46:38 هل يجب أن يكون للرياضات النسائية المزيد من الأنظمة؟ 56:35 هل هناك حل جيد لإدماج المتحولين جنسيا في الرياضة؟ 01:05:11 كيف يؤثر ذلك على الشباب؟ 01:12:21 ماذا نفعل الآن؟ |موقع قفشات


9 تعليقات

  1. If there are “so few” trans people out there, then why are the needs for boundaries, safeguarding and dignity of half the the world population (aka, women) being shunted to the side just so that a group of predatory and narcissistic men who pretend to be women can feel validated? These MEN aren’t asking for rights, they are asking for special privileges that no other group enjoys. What really gets me is that the hosts of the show and their guest can afford to take these overly generous positions because they don’t perceive that they are losing anything AND probably also because they enjoy certain societal privileges. I’ll bet they’d quickly change their minds if they suddenly found themselves in prison having to share a jail cell with a murderer or rapist who happens to have a “female gender identity”. The problem with people like them and the position they hold is that they lack sufficient self awareness to recognize how easy it is to be so “generous” when you literally have not been called on to sacrifice anything.

  2. Tyra giving Urbosa vibes>~< with the jewelry, makeup, hair and her overall. Gorgeous; just like the vibes throughout the whole podcast, really liked the approach ya'll gave to the topic<3 New subscriber!

  3. We must admit that the problem isn't in feminine women's bodies or body parts, i mean traditionally feminine women's bodies… Problem is in men's or beholder's mindset and perspective, or in thought process….

    Otherwise why is our narrative like "she is showing her body off"? Or in that's sports "there is a lot of scope to show off the body".. see..bodies exist, body parts exist .. so anything that exist & reflects enough light wave coming from the sun, will be "seen" through our eyes .. that's the rule… yes body parts are somewhat different amongst cis gender men and dia gender women… So? Why women's bums or br**sts are such stigma? Because those are attractive and beautiful, far more than those of men? That's why those must be $*xualised? Or objectified? Does that mean that there must be something wrong with female body because it's different from male body…and it can't be taken as human body because it's more attractive and beautiful..and we can't handle an attractive body with positive sexual attraction and admiration? Rather we must only know one response of objectifying it? Otherwise why bikini is a problem, top pr bottom… Men go topless, in undies… Women hardly objectify them even if they find them attractive… So does not that mean that the problem lies in men's eyes & minds? And industries and sports too capitalise on men's weakness at the expense of women's autonomy?

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