Happy Birthday to sweet Butters! I’m so glad you got the Barney’s Hourglass Palette. I love it and Barney’s. I also love Barney’s Christmas Coffees….so good!
What a fabulous PR haul! Very diverse and fun! I am excited for the Laura Mercier Caviar Eyeshadows – I use them all the time and I think they have some more colors. I'm going to try the Caliray cream blushes. The earrings look beautiful on you. Happy Birthday to Miss. Butters.
My inner foodie lit up when you mentioned Fred’s French fries!! Great haul and happy birthday Miss Butters. I’m still sad I wasn’t able to get to Milan though
Love your reaction when opening the items from Hourglass' & Barney's collab. The design on that tote bag is so cool to me. And when you saw Freds mug…. As always, love your hauls Michele
I'm still mourning the demise of Barney's and Fred's, I have so many great memories there. I ordered the Hourglass/Barney's palette yesterday and am excited to receive it.
MISS BUTTERS. I want the HD palette so bad. My wallet refuses it. I had to get a new Garage door. Ugh. Love your PR hauls. So fun and great things. Omgeee you got the hourglass I WANT ONE SO BAD !! I can’t get it. Again garage door. I’m so sad. FOMO. yes. . They have a BARNEYS edit 2, and 3 coming out I think too
44 تعليق
love the nails! and the shirt! and jewelry of course
Sorry if I missed it but where is your top from?
Great haul Michele
. Thank you for sharing and please give Ms. Butters a birthday kiss!
I love the Necessaire brand!! The body serum is my favorite if you haven't tried it.
Fun video, I really enjoy the pr hauls. Have a great day.
Happy Birthday to sweet Butters!
I’m so glad you got the Barney’s Hourglass Palette. I love it and Barney’s. I also love Barney’s Christmas Coffees….so good!
What a fabulous PR haul! Very diverse and fun! I am excited for the Laura Mercier Caviar Eyeshadows – I use them all the time and I think they have some more colors. I'm going to try the Caliray cream blushes. The earrings look beautiful on you. Happy Birthday to Miss. Butters.
Hello Michele, please let us know your thoughts on the new Current Body mask. When and if you can, of course
My inner foodie lit up when you mentioned Fred’s French fries!! Great haul and happy birthday Miss Butters. I’m still sad I wasn’t able to get to Milan though
Happy birthday to Butters. My doggie Frankie will be 6 soon too!
Miss Butters and I share a Birthday. Happy Birthday Miss Butters
Wow!!!!!! Awesome haul with so many amazing items

Happy Birthday
to Miss Butters
Happy Birthday Butters!
to Mrs. Butter
= we all LOVE
you! Very curious
to see that Lawless beauty lip
trio in action, Dear Michèle! 

Happy Birthday Butters.

Love your reaction when opening the items from Hourglass' & Barney's collab. The design on that tote bag is so cool to me. And when you saw Freds mug…
. As always, love your hauls Michele 
Used to be so good but nowadays it’s all about bragging !
Terrible and so tasteless to do this !
Happy Birthday Sweet Miss Butters

I Love you Michele, You are the best in your un packaging videos and trips that I wish I could go on, Happy Birthday Miss Butters, Love you both!!
Thank you for sharing your unpacking. Happy Birthday Ms. Butters
Happy Birthday to Butters

PR haul with holiday. Yay! Thank you M.
Is allie’s brand the same as em cosmetics?
I love how you could afford all this stuff 10 times over but you still genuinely get excited over promo stuff sent to you!

Happy Birthday Butters!

Very nice PR haul!! Happy Birthday to Miss Butters! Also forgot to mention in last video how much I love your earrings & ring from Luna!!

Love the haul!!
Did Bobbi Brown say when the dual-ended eyeshadow / liner sticks would be available???
So enjoyed your videos from your "dream" trip. And, this wonderful PR haul… Happy Birthday, Butters!

I need to get that LED mask!
Awesome PR haul! I would love you to try the makeup forever face palette, if you can please. And happy birthday to Butters!
I'm still mourning the demise of Barney's and Fred's, I have so many great memories there. I ordered the Hourglass/Barney's palette yesterday and am excited to receive it.
I like vlogs but hate PR Hauls. The disgusting overload of crap is nauseating! I wish everyone could stop doing those!
MISS BUTTERS. I want the HD palette so bad. My wallet refuses it. I had to get a new Garage door. Ugh. Love your PR hauls. So fun and great things. Omgeee you got the hourglass I WANT ONE SO BAD !! I can’t get it. Again garage door. I’m so sad. FOMO. yes.
. They have a BARNEYS edit 2, and 3 coming out I think too
Happy Birthday MissButters!!!
If MB is too sticky lightly set with powder
Michelle, is your friend still work with you?
Again Michele…. a perfect video! Happy Birthday Butterz from my Frenchie Trio… Skippy, Frankie and Winston
Wondering what those ppl actually do with all that PR…can u at least donate some of them?
. Loved Fred’s Chicago one was iconic. Also frequented Scottsdale. The best
I have Ravie blush in Paradise and love it
Happy Birthday to Miss Butters
Nice PR Haul for your b-day month
Happy Birthday Sweet Miss Butters

That Barney's palette from Hourglas you may already have as it's the Elephant palette from a few years ago in new packaging.
Thank you for going through that amazing haul even when you are suffering jet lag! You look amazing!