صديقها السابق لـ Black Chyna يرفع دعوى قضائية ضدها بقيمة 10 ملايين بسبب العنف المنزلي استفسارات تجارية – sknightnation@gmail.com إذا رأيت قميصًا يعجبك – انضم إلي في Rumble – قم بإسقاط متابعة على Instagram – انضم إلى My Patreon – لدعم القناة – الاستخدام العادل إشعار حقوق الطبع والنشر: تعترف قوانين حقوق الطبع والنشر في الولايات المتحدة بـ “الاستخدام العادل” للمحتوى المحمي بحقوق الطبع والنشر. قد تحتوي مقاطع الفيديو وقناة Youtube هذه بشكل عام على بعض الأعمال المحمية بحقوق الطبع والنشر والتي لم يتم التصريح باستخدامها بشكل محدد من قبل صاحب (أصحاب) حقوق الطبع والنشر، ولكننا نعتقد بحسن نية أنها محمية بموجب القانون الفيدرالي ومبدأ الاستخدام العادل لأغراض مثل النقد أو التعليق أو التقارير الإخبارية أو التدريس أو المحاكاة الساخرة أو البحث، لا يعد انتهاكًا لحقوق الطبع والنشر. كل الفيديو للأغراض التعليمية فقط. نعتقد أن هذا يشكل استخدامًا عادلاً لأي من هذه المواد المحمية بحقوق الطبع والنشر على النحو المنصوص عليه في المادة 107 من قانون حقوق الطبع والنشر الأمريكي. |موقع قفشات


41 تعليق

  1. Men may out physical women but women nowadays are quick to put their hands on men now. Ive dealt with it myself. 2 new years eves in a row my ex blacked out and literally punched me in the face like 15times each incident for nothing i did. For her past BS. I put that on everything i love. one time it happened on a saturday night. The next day i went to watch football at my homies house. When i got their my friends saw my face and were ready to go fight because they thought i got jumped my face looked like dudes. Both times. i never touched her. it was our first and 2nd anniversaries too. i stood with her 16more years too. She never did it again but women have been getting more and more aggressive towards men and still we arent supposed to defend ourselves. Its kind of like when people say white people are the only people can be racist because they have had the power. Same thing in this. Men have the power so women cant be abusive towards men. Same bs excuses. im done with women and society's way of thinking. society is so out of pocket because of social media its ruined our way of life. Things arent better either they are significantly worse. Not everyone shows red flags. People are also good at hiding them too. I had no indication shed black out and act like that. Unless youve been in that situation Stevie stop talking like you know what youd do. You dont. Influencers be thinking they got all the answers. like they see all. Stop. Not everything as easy. Unless youre using hindsight. Sure you think it would be easy but it isnt always like that. A year had gone by and we were doing great. She blacked out drunk and that had never happened before. The second time you could say that to me but the second time i was more ready and it was bad but i didnt get hit off as bad because i was ready when i knew she was blacked out. Its easy to say shit after the fact dog. stop.

  2. if you sleepin and a man or woman drop two quick punches' and in elbow all drunk and and high, you prolly gonna swell up like this too maybe get a little cut idk man I know I wouldnt put up w that shit more than once.

  3. I was with a woman 11 years. one day i got a random call from a number i didnt recognize so i didnt answer. My gf slapped me. [accused me of cheating. i never cheated on her not one time EVER]First time she ever did that. it was crazy. i immediately ended the relationship. She tried for a few years to get me back but i couldnt go back. that kind of disrespect is a solid deal breaker

  4. 😅she was at diddy parties like Kim K is how she got high up this what her mom said😮🫢🫣
    She thought if she got baptized so called got saved and used her legal name. She would be safe we'll see😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  5. Now I wonder if Rob Kardashian came out with this same allegation would it be looked at the same way as it is with buddy? Is it that all men can't be victims or is black men can't be victims…

  6. Notice he sues her for money and not trying to get her arrested. Seems like CAP to me. Seems like dude is broke and need some money. And now that she’s Christian claiming, Hollyweird need to cut down the Christian now. Just another attack. And I’m not saying it might not have happened, especially if she was on drugs and in that lifestyle that these weirdos are engaged in. We all see the Diddy types… and she was up in the Kardashian lifestyle and rap crap.

  7. Also, where i live u cant defend yourself in any way particularly in a domestic situation and they can even arrest you whether u fight back block or stand there they dont care who hit who. A chick can easily do that to someone who is asleep imagine standing over a person u jump up a bit and drop ur knee across there face its fuckin u up nevermind any other hits u may take before u even are able to react also 90% of ladies wear rings and shit and its easy to cut ur face and ur head bleeds alot so its not hard to believe she fucked him up like that at all.

  8. Alcohol or tranquilizer are about the only things that can think of. Ive done tons of different drugs when i was young and those 2 things are the only reasons i wouldn't have woke up right away. I dont drink or do anything but smoke cannabis now and I'm super glad. I was in a similar situation think i was about 19 and woke up to my girl at the time hiting me and shit i grabbed my shit while still being attacked and never looked back she came to my place crying a few days later but when im done with something im 100% done.

  9. These women are so gross and embarrassing. Completely out of control and that entitlement for women in our society is going to get many killed. It seems a lot of women are too dumb and unaware to realize the implications and consequences

  10. Shit like this happened to me, I’m definitely recording it and taking a picture of it too and right after that, I’m calling the damn police, i don’t give a damn if I get roasted on the internet or not 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  11. Stevie, you need to talk with abuse survivors on our side of the aisle- women often attack in sleeping hours because it literally takes less than 10 pounds of pressure to render someone unconscious if done in the right spot. A petite (read: sharp) elbow right into the orbital will do that, a hammer fist to the nose will also do this, a good kick to the temple will do this.
    No, men absolutely, positively shouldn never allow abusive behavior in a partner to continue but women who abuse are even more devious than men, because they always choose victims who won’t hit back, spend countless hours gaslighting and bullying them into thinking they are the problem and hurl insanely toxic language at them in order to see if they’ll fight back or stick around. They’ll start with open-hand slaps, see if they’re willing to fight, and suddenly it’s escalated to something beyond reality. Your attitude is that which keeps men from getting help and getting out. This is what keeps cops from thinking a woman is capable of this, keeps the courts from denying this is possible. Evil lurks in every form, and let’s be clear- even though BC was not a petite little flower by any stretch, even the demure, quiet ‘sweet’ girls can behave like this, too.
    Would your view be different if this were a woman with these pics accusing a man?

  12. I disagree with your point about a woman not being able to inflict that kind of injury. From the looks of it, it's damage to just his right eye. One hit with an elbow or blunt object, while you're in a defenseless state (and it's alleged he was attacked in his sleep) could cause much worse. If it was stated they were both fully conscious and squared up to each other, it would be different. Kinda messed up to participate in emasculating him. I definitely agree you shouldn't stay with someone that can attack you though. No disrespect or malice intended I just think people are naive and ego driven when it comes to thinking about the physical damage a woman can inflict upon a man and quick to emasculate rather than thinking logically about the specifics of the injury/injuries and scenario.

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