أمضى دريد سنوات عديدة في أسلوب الحياة قبل أن يلتزم تمامًا بالإباحية. كرجل أعزب، تم نقله جوًا في جميع أنحاء البلاد للانضمام إلى الأزواج في السرير، وفي بعض الأحيان، مع الرجال يراقبون من الخطوط الجانبية. ويقدم نظريته حول سبب تخلي الرجال عن تلك السلطة والنزول إليها. لدعم عرضي: للتبرع لمرة واحدة: تسوق في متجر السلع الخاص بي! تابعني على Instagram: تابعني على Twitter: تابعني على TikTok: قم بزيارة موقع البودكاست الرسمي الخاص بي: |موقع قفشات


45 تعليق

  1. This woman in this video is the reason why the world is messed up the way it is, she is the offspring of parents who were swingers and now wants to influence the world that is the new normal. When a male and a female are in a committed relationship that has nothing to do with ownership or property. A man is not asking much of his woman by requesting she don’t have physical intimacy with other men that is called loyalty and respect for your partner that you are trying to have a committed relationship and build together with, what’s the point of marriage and relationships if you’re just allowed to break that code and have sex with all the people you want? Are we supposed to work hard and spend thousands of dollars on a ring and propose to you so that you can go have sex with other men? This is a sick twisted world we live in and there is no hope in humanity anymore.

  2. I am forever single. Well, I was in a relationship when I was in my early 20s. That is 30 years ago. She was promisucous and cheated on me. Cheating on me became her life style. She would make trouble in a dark room alone to get me to confront her. She used the confrontation to justify cheating on me 'look what you made me do'. Her hobbies, interests and education were aimed at male dominant areas. She left me many times but came back even tho I said it's not necessary. I was done fighting but I used her for sex. I did pretend we were a couple but used her for sex only. I figured it's the perfect life for her so I left her without a note but she wasn't stupid. I had no clue who she really was. She was mysterious. Also I figured I better leave while I am still alive. I started wonder wether she'd slit my throat while I was asleep. I didn't trust her. I choose single life to prevent me from running into the next freak

  3. Does this woman imply that love means possesion? If I do not want my woman to be fucked by other man before my own two eyes or wherever else means I possesed her? Wtf? What kind of world are we living in? But I kind of understand her cultural background. Her parents were swingers so this is normal for her.

  4. She make it sound like a relationship with two people isn’t normal you need a third person I’ve been married for 23 years and the key is talking to each other don’t kissed to her be you

  5. A very few are truly in the lifestyle .!!!
    Its a fantasy to sleep or have sex with another race .!!! BBC or Asian women Clear your mind if only percentage .!!! Sex is a wonderful outlet Most would love be in his position .!!!

  6. A very few are truly in the lifestyle .!!!
    Its a fantasy to sleep or have sex with another race .!!! BBC or Asian women Clear your mind if only percentage .!!! Sex is a wonderful outlet Most would love be in his position .!!!

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