لقد أحدث جيك وود تأثيرًا تاريخيًا في إرث أوليمبيا خلال فترة ولايته القصيرة كمالك من خلال تنفيذ اثنين من أوليمبيا أثناء الوباء. لقد أثرى أسلوبه الحديث ونهجه الدولي العلامة التجارية. |موقع قفشات


21 تعليق

  1. I am a big fan of the ⭕️. I live in Mwxico City 🇲🇽 I've been attending since 2019. I cant believe how much prices have rised since then! I wish I could have attended this year, but really guys, it VERY expensive! Last year at Orlando we got very bad seats and we could just see the screen! So I think its better watching Pay per View. Also flight tickets and hotel reservations are very high for me 😢 I dont know if I wiill be attending this year 😢

  2. You should consider having a Jake Wood bust made made in the same size as the Joe Weider bust and make them stand nest to each other to celebrate Jake so that it's a tradition for whomever owns The Mr Olympia in future 💡

  3. The Joe Weider bust is one of the most iconic Mr Olympia brand assets and holds a lot of brand salience, difference and meaning to consumers. That is a brilliant choice, well done to Mr Wood and Team.

  4. I sure enjoy hearing Jake Woods perspectives and respect the guy for taking on the Olympia ownership . I pray they get the lighting right . The only thing I can critique was everyone kissing up . Just be honest with the guy as he seems like solid dude willing to listen to reason on various issues.

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