اليوم على Montana Danna Influencer the Musical الحلقة 1: Influencer the Musical الحلقة 2: ★الموقع الإلكتروني ★ ★تسوق من خزانتي ★ ★الكتب الإلكترونية وبرامج اللياقة البدنية ★ جهاز الضوء الأحمر من BONTANNY: استخدم الرمز: DANNA للحصول على خصم 20 دولارًا ★تبرع ★ للقناة: PATREON: VENMO: إكرامية/مساهمة لمرة واحدة @MontanaDanna PayPal: drichards1@berklee.net ★سلسلة بناء المقطورات: الحلقة 1: ★سلسلة بناء الشاحنة: الحلقة 1: الحلقة 2: الحلقة 3: الحلقة 4: الحلقة 5: الحلقة 6: الحلقة 7: الحلقة 8: الحلقة 9: الحلقة 10: الحلقة 11: الحلقة 12: الحلقة 13: الحلقة 14: الحلقة 15: ★ روابط بناء المقطورة: Automan: خزانة بار القهوة البيضاء (أبواب الحظيرة): تخزين الحائط الريفي (أبواب الحظيرة): بلاط السقف: ★ أساسيات الحياة في الشاحنة: الثلاجة: مرحاض Nature’s Head: HYDROFLASK: MACRAMAE: موسع شبكة WiFi: ★ كيف أشغل شاحنتي (الأضواء والثلاجة ولوحة المفاتيح وما إلى ذلك: Jackery 1000 + الألواح الشمسية – Jackery 250: ★ بناء فتحة السقف: Dometic Skylight (صغير): شريط مانع للتسرب من البوتيل: ​​Rustoleum: Calking: Jigsaw: Jigsaw Blades: ★ معدات اللياقة البدنية: الميزان الذكي: أربطة المؤخرة: الدمبل: أوزان الكاحل: وسادة حماية الورك من الحديد الصلب: ★ معدات التصوير: الكاميرا: ★ MYAMAZONSTORE ★ ★ MONTANADANNAONLINE ★ ★ TIKTOK: MontanaDanna ★ قناة الموسيقى: ★ INSTAGRAM: Montana Danna ★ MYALBUM: ★Facebook: رحلات آمنة 🚐 ♥︎ Danna |موقع قفشات


29 تعليق

  1. 💕I tend to watch and enjoy your Blogs all the way thru but get bored on your Lives… I love your Influencer the Musical Blogs also. I rarely make it to your lives, but will try to make it thru the replays , but honestly I do get bored with them. I am an avid follower of yours though. Just being as honest as possible.. I do love you. Keep on being you Dana!!! 💕

  2. First of all, for a few that are confused: it's VLOG, not blog.  A blog is a regularly updated website. A Vlog is a video medium/format like Danna does here when not doing a Live stream.

    A few were complaining about the "roll call" aspect (announcing who's in the comments/chat). I can see how that would get monotonous for viewers after a while, BUT it is a live stream and it's pretty common for the host to interact with the viewers. Especially if a viewer has a question – then it's perfectly acceptable to address or shoutout the commenter. Because a live stream is an interaction, is it not?

    Personally, I love the produced videos the most, but do enjoy the Live streams IF they're planned and announced prior. If a random Live stream happens and I miss it, I'm most likely never going to watch it later.

  3. I am hoping the Live’ Blogs’ videos’ really any avenue is fine, I’m just hoping you will get “discovered” because your talent is amazing, I appreciate your sharing this journey, there will always be critics.

  4. Hi Danna, finally getting a chance to catch up. Personally, the vlogs are my favorite, the lives are a bit more difficult due to time constraints, love a combo just like my preference for small dishes as opposed to one big one, if you get my meaning. Influencer the Musical I think of as a special now and then, so please don’t kill yourself because I know it’s a lot of work putting those together. Really happy you and Andy are having a great time getting to know one another, it’s fun to see the two of you doing what couples do. Enjoyed the live after the fact (sorry), love the song as you already know, and always love a good Q&A. Thank you Danna, and I hope you and Andy have a fun filled weekend.👍💕

  5. Is it serious or is it just for now? If serious, children are involved and the mother of those children. If Andy is serious, he will be encouraging you and the rest of his family to have private time to bond. A hike with the children and their mother would allow you to see how she interacts with her children (valuable info for you) – no one knows their children like their mother and it's emotionally important for the children to see the adults embrace one another. Maybe don't look so bloody damn drop dead gorgeous – don't outshine the bride (mother). On the surface the Dandy relationship seems "meant-to-be." ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  6. I don't know if you will see this because it is not during your live…But I think the White Sands is a beautiful place. I love it there. It's quite a walk to get in there with all your costumes. I hope you have help carrying it all . If I was available, I would be happy to help haul props etc.

  7. You are so much happier since you met Andy! Your light glows when you talk about him. You deserve nothing but happiness and Andy seems to bring that to you. He is smitten with you too. ❤❤

  8. Love the old style blogs. Tired of all the influencer musical talk. Sorry but the channel has just gotten to be something I have fast forward through most of the time. Really miss your cleaning and decorating and your alone travels, at least it was interesting. So happy for your new love but it's kinda boring listening in on private conversations. Hope it gets better!

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