تشرح بلاك شاينا موقفها من تربية ابنها كينج كايرو البالغ من العمر 10 سنوات وابنتها دريم البالغة من العمر 6 سنوات مع روب كارداشيان السابق. شاهد! القصة الكاملة: #BlacChyna #Tyga #RobKardashian #ENews اشترك: حول E! News: يقدم لك فريق E! News أحدث الأخبار العاجلة في مجال الترفيه والموضة والثقافة الشعبية. تتميز قناة E! News بفقرات حصرية وأبرز أخبار المشاهير وتقارير الاتجاهات والمزيد، وهي الوجهة الوحيدة التي يحتاجها عشاق الثقافة الشعبية للبقاء على اطلاع. قم بتنزيل تطبيق E! News للحصول على أحدث أخبار المشاهير ومقاطع الفيديو الرائجة: برامجك وأفلامك المفضلة والمزيد هنا. قم بالبث الآن على Peacock. تواصل مع E! News: قم بزيارة موقع E! News الإلكتروني: أعجب بصفحة E! News على FACEBOOK: تحقق من E! News على INSTAGRAM: تابع E! News على TWITTER: تشارك Blac Chyna تحديثًا حول تربية الأبناء المشتركة مع Tyga وRob Kardashian | E! News
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28 تعليق
I just love this young women,you go girl!
Now when Blac Chyna enters a room its not POW POW with a get out of my way attitude. Its Elegant and approchable shes so pretty Now
Not the loud and obnoxious anymore. She has grown as a person. Good for her good for her kids.
God bless her

One thing a Taurus is gon do is BOUNCE BACK
I hope the devil has relinquished his stronghold on her. She's suffered enough. It's actually amazing she made it to adulthood
I’m happy for her and I pray God leads her exactly where he wants her to be.
Her name is Angela.
I don't know her but I feel so proud of her.
She looks so much better without those fillers she had
Being a Christian takes more than not wearing makeup or dressing "modest"
There's more to being a Christian, you have to have good deeds and leave everything for Jesus Christ. If you have eyes to see, see!!!
Blac Chyna and Rob need to keep their daughter Dream away from Khloe and Kim. I understand little girls play make up. But 9 year old North is wearing full face makeup like a model, and when Dream is with her dad's sister wife Khloe she is in make up. Let a 6 year old be a child!!
I hope she
makes up with her former bestie.
I love you so much Angela and am rooting for you… God bless you babes


Peace looks good don’t it
Im happy for you China
Notice how she never mentions the name of Jesus Christ
. I don't know, do you guys…?
God's grace and mercy

So happy to hear that and see a change in her! God Bless her on her journey I know the angels in heaven are rejoicing in this moment

To see her like this is very warming…much love to her
Sooooo we all just forgetting what she's done?
I'm really happy for her and her journey! This is an inspiration.
She's maturing beautifully. And she will pass this on to her daughter. Way to go Ms Angela White!!
Beautiful, glowing from the inside out. Jesus in you! Can't wait to hear more about your transformation. God is good all the time

I'm extremely proud of you. I was never a fan of Black Chyna yet I am a big fan of Angela. May God continue to keep their hand on you.