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26 تعليق
Join The Inner-Circle
Made that bag and then "found god"
She was right about the HOly
Just googled Angela, you have got to be kidding me, people paid this female?
I don't believe Black China on change, I think she just made that change because she has made enough money because she's trying to get married to prove that she can now be marriage material now so if she pulls it off then others will follow saying if she did then all females can carry on that way and try to come back rejuvenated. It's pure BS
She doesn’t have the Holy Spirit a spirit yes but not the Holy Spirit
Dammit Boy In Kevin Samuels Voice you can't make this Shit up! In the real World
she's washed up and Dug out plus that Wall is undefeated and to Damn High to Climb 

Chyna is busted as fuck
Yeah right of course this demonic thotbox has changed

Lol you had to take the snippet the way you passed on it was wild
These 304 modern woman's.if female say this is not the life I'm change.but you think
the rest of em go change.its like a bad habit it's like a crack head
who don't wanted stop.smokeing crack. Woman's are stuck on they ways and that that.they are comfortable being like that..
A wolf dress as a sheep is still a wolf ,she thinks people are stupid

This is legit a change that she needs because she hit that wall and needs to have something with a future. That's sincere. But she's definitely thought out a rebranding and it is a part of a plan. Is she actually sincere about faith and such? Not really sure. She DID just say to do OF. That's not Christian. But she couldn't have a stable future if she didn't at least LOOK like she was flipping around. And she couldn't get a good guy she wants without redoing everything and hoping he goes for it. But she's got a plan for a show or something moving forward. She's got a large demographic of women that have "flipped their lives" and need to have a man and stability, but have neither. She can bank off of them now.
Oh and she boutta get a clean man who soul was sold don’t be surprised if it’s a old town road singer but hey idk much just peeping. Love the vids bro
This is all a fake campaign to avoid jail she facing sex crimes. Please do a bud on the sex crimes and women’s roles because they are very much so involved and often in charge
Simple. Her hoe phase has stopped bearing fruit, time to find Jesus in her new epiphany phase.
If she was so regretful she would give the money back or away.
If it walks like a duck and has a duck suit on…. it's probably daffy
I don't think she is honest
Christianity has consequences for behavior. She looks like she is linking up with publicity to influence more young women down the toilet and make mo money. You sound like you know what you saying
She's just trading in her light pole on main street for one up the block in front of the library. either way it's still a light pole and she's still on the street.
She wasn't at any time making 20mil a month on Onlyfans. But there IS more money in religion than there is on Onlyfans.
She found Religion and Now her 304 past has been erased. Yeah, right
No, it is who she is. The Holy Spirit? She’s not only a 304 but she’s a blasphemer. She hit The Wall and then it fell on her.
Her face seems like it hit the wall plenty of times
She wants to snag a sucker. Wants to do a Ciara.
We all go through it at some stage of life