Just look away and find happiness in this world through helping others. People like this will always be famous until we learn to hold up those who move our species forward. Please my fellow humans, at last, let's ignore these worthless, ignorant, obnoxious, ill-intentioned "celebrities". Let's get back to laughing at each others jokes, dancing with strangers, and finding new friends. Please I beg you
18 تعليق
Tokyo you not that important to me anyway

At least she didn't lie
The new panhandling is asking ppl for donations on live
30 I’m giving to the homeless, I knew she was counting them singles as she passed them out

Ion know why she thinks she’s that important.
She's being facetious people
But then she’s helping drug addicts come off the streets in Philadelphia
Dats fucked up
A true scammer
Nasty woman. Inside and out. So disgusting, selfish, insecure and childish. I've never seen anything like IT. and she calls herself a mom. Gross!!!
She just told you who she was… trust her. She ain't lying about this. Foul witch.
She is foul talking bout the kardashians she ain’t go mf better
Just look away and find happiness in this world through helping others. People like this will always be famous until we learn to hold up those who move our species forward. Please my fellow humans, at last, let's ignore these worthless, ignorant, obnoxious, ill-intentioned "celebrities". Let's get back to laughing at each others jokes, dancing with strangers, and finding new friends. Please I beg you
Jesus is happy.. she tithes her money to the homeless
She looks rough
She probably won't be getting no more donations… she must be tired
I'm sharing this. FOUL.