بعد أن أطلقت ابنته البالغة من العمر 7 سنوات، والتي يتقاسمها مع بلاك شاينا، المعروفة أيضًا باسم أنجيلا وايت، صفحتها الجديدة على إنستغرام، بمقطع فيديو تقدم فيه نفسها للمعجبين، يشارك روب الآن رد فعله اللطيف على الأخبار على حسابه على إنستغرام! |موقع قفشات


35 تعليق

  1. Does Kim have to be in everything? The title says ROB KARDASHIAN reacts to HIS 7yr old daughter DREAM's IG account and y'all added Kim and her son. Can Rob have a story by himself?

  2. Dream is the only child in that family who looks exsackley like. Her grand father Mr.kardashen sn.looking like her father. Robert Kardashian 100% out of all the kids Dream is the only child ..kourtys son mason looks a little like his mother who looks like her father b4 Plastic surgery..kourty and Rob look exsackley alike.thoes 2 look like there father. Mr.kardashen.

  3. The thing is that family know more than most that social media can be a hellish place, especially for celebrity nepo kids why you would allow it bizarre even if it does accumulate more cash flow how much to sell your childs sanity?

  4. Some of you in these are overreacting you're all acting as if she's going to be running the page herself there's a reason she has two parents who most likely will be in charge of her page and whatever she posts 🤨

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