لا يمكن لأي شخص حتى لو كان مرتبطًا بشكل غير مباشر بعائلة كارداشيان أن يهرب من الجدل، وبلاك شاينا (المعروفة أيضًا باسم أنجيلا رينيه وايت) ليست استثناءً. تشتهر عارضة الأزياء ونجمة تلفزيون الواقع بعلاقتها المليئة بالفضائح مع روب كارداشيان، أصغر أطفال كريس جينر والراحل روبرت كارداشيان. ولكن من كانت بلاك شاينا قبل كل هذا الجدل حول كارداشيان؟ قد يعرف الكثير من المعجبين أنها اكتسبت شهرتها من ذكر اسمها في أغاني الهيب هوب، ولكن قد يكون هناك الكثير من المعجبين الذين لا يعرفون. من حياتها المبكرة إلى صعودها سلم المشاهير، دعونا نلقي نظرة على كيف كانت بلاك شاينا قبل الشهرة. #BlacChyna #Fame #Kardashian الحياة المبكرة | 0:12 مهنة التعري | 0:26 مهنة عرض الأزياء | 0:41 فتاة الفيديو الموسيقي | 1:00 الجهود الريادية | 1:40 العلاقة مع تايجا | 2:01 Fling with Future | 2:35 Hookup with PJ Tucker | 3:00 Criminal record | 3:30 اقرأ المزيد هنا → الموقع → أعجب بنا → تابعنا → Instagram → Pinterest → Nicki Swift هي المصدر الأول لأفضل القصص المثيرة والشائعات عن المشاهير الذين تحبهم… أو تكرههم. هل تريد قوائم فيديو لأفضل أسرار المشاهير وفضائح برامج الواقع والقصص وراء أكبر نجوم هوليوود؟ لدى Nicki الإجابات. هل تريد أن تعرف من هي Nicki Swift؟ هناك طريقة واحدة فقط لمعرفة ذلك… |موقع قفشات
20 تعليق
Blac Chyna you inspire me! ❤
Blac Chyna had no chance growing up with the mother she has
I lover her ❤💜💜💜🧡
He would hv been one smart man if he had stayed in a relation with Ms Blac Chyna they could hv grown together.. look like BC feel like most wish your partner could be faithful
Ewwwww. This is the chic everyone is talking about. Nasty
Sucks she didn't like her natural nose. She really cute, I was wondering what her kid was going to look like when she gets older bc Chyna is so…fixed up..
Let me just say that this girl was famous and she thought she would get more famous by being with Rob Kardashian and it backfired. It had nothing to do with Chloe
she was so beautiful before fame. She shouldn't have done those plastic surgeries
Ppl could hate they kk sisters I they want, but chyna did alot of surgery,very nose is straight. She's a stripper and love drama.
Doesn’t seem to care about much…..🙄
Honestly she is just as beautiful without make up and surgery, all this mess was total unnecessary
She is ugly
Another in a long list of people famous for absolutely nothing.
What is the draw, people?
The cosmetic surgeries are appropriate for someone of her mindset and “status”.
She, like all the other surgery fanatics, no longer even looks human.
Have you seen this person?
The really sad thing is that there are fans who will try to emulate these bozos thinking that they’re viewing a slice of life.
People like this and the majority of “reality” stars, very few of whom put forth anything of true societal value, do not deserve your money, your time, your misguided devotion and certainly not the ability to have any kind of influence on young people.
Call it what it is-garbage.
Blac Chyna look like a big head bobble head doll. All the surgeries she has had didn't help her not nah bit
It’s creepy how these channels know every information about celebrities.
Hahaha. Do dudes be thinking blk and Mexican ladies are the loudest scariest baddest bitches in the world ?? Y'all brother's haven't met a First Nation Aboriginal woman. They will fk them up in a swing or right left cross yo. Them ladies are scarier then two of them mixed. Anyways see tasteless and last decade.
All I see is a girl born black , trying to be white…
She is her mom sadly….Tokyo literally had men in and out her n China life…she mad violent….it's so sad
College? Stop playin