حلم: بلاك شاينا مسيحية مزيفة🔥إنها تخدع العالم وتجعله يصدق أنها مسيحية ولدت من جديد!!! #blacchyna #trickery #stagemagician👺 #deception👹 @misstee_ @SharrellsWorld @CultureCovered @TheCelebrityCircle7 @MrReviewTalk @TheCelebrityExpertFilMonger @TheCelebrityJunk |موقع قفشات


10 تعليقات

  1. To Give into God change yourself and claim to be Christian in this secular world usually will end your career. She is not denying Christ. Yes she has been in the spot light but instead of cursing her lift her up in prayer and ask God to Guide her. There is a lot of temptation in this world . Ye that has not sinned cast the first stone.

  2. When we judge others, God is judging us for judging others. Only God knows her heart and her true intentions. God can't be fooled. Let's focus on how we can make God happy with our choices in life and how we treat others with respect, compassion, empathy, love and without judgement.

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