مرحبًا #QueenTeam، في هذا الفيديو أتحدث عن #BlaccChyna و #Dencia ونوايهما من كريم التبييض التعاوني Whitenicious. ما رأيك؟ عني: الاسم: Chioma العمر: 21 الموقع: توليدو، أوهايو للدراسة الجامعية. من فيلادلفيا التخصص: الاتصالات الجماهيرية حقائق ممتعة: 1. طولي 5’10 2. أنا نيجيرية (قبيلة إيجبو) 3. لوني المفضل هو الوردي 4. لدي شقيقان، أخ أكبر وشقيقة أصغر 5. طعامي المفضل هو البطاطس تابعني على: البريد الإلكتروني: chioma.abakporo@yahoo.com ❤INSTAGRAM: ❤TWITTER: ❤SNAPCHAT: QUEENCHIOMA ❤FACEBOOK: ________________________________________________________ الأسئلة الشائعة 1. كم عمرك؟ 22 2. ما الكلية التي تدرسين بها؟ جامعة توليدو 3. ما هو تخصصك؟ الاتصالات والتسويق 4. ما الذي تستخدمه لتحرير مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بك؟ Final Cut Pro 5. ما هي الكاميرا التي تستخدمها؟ Sony Alpha 6000 مع Kit Lens _________________________________________________________________ |موقع قفشات


40 تعليق

  1. People can bleach or tan how they want. You don’t see white film arguing about all the tan injection or tan beds they toast in to get brown… why must black people always argue about fading hyperpigmentation or trying to brighten their own skin.. folks do what ever you want. It’s your body and it you who would suffer from the cancer or whatever issues that arise due to your decisions…

  2. I mean I don’t condone skin bleaching . But since I’m unbiased.. dencia made a great point . We fight for insignificant petty rights n us .. we can change our genders but some how lightening skin is where we draw the line . I definitely see what she’s saying at the end of they day . Like I said . I do not condone it but it’s their body their choice

  3. The look like ghouls. Yes, a lot of Blk businesses are unprofessional. The Asian kiss my butt when I buy their products online. I LOVE my melanin. I think a lot of blk women lighten their skin because most BM prefer light skin women or whyte women.

  4. Some people though like myself faces are much lighter than the rest of their body like Sunny from The View and most of the Kardashians kids. I have freckles, and it used to be only on my face so I would wear hats in the summer, tons of sunscreen, use natural skin brighteners like papaya soap, licorice, bearberry, lemon juice, glycolic acid and so on to get rid of my freckles and prevent getting new ones so during those times my face was even lighter than usual. My skin is one those tan/olive on my body like Saweetie that tans easily so in the winter I am significantly lighter and in the summer much darker. I live in Hotlanta so it is hot and sunny a lot here.

    Also there is a condition where your feet, hands, and neck are much darker than the rest of you, and this is most notable in black people. My daughter's neck is way darker than the rest of her and why her pediatrician had her tested for diabetes as this is the first sign in many people's cases. Luckily for us, she doesn't have it.


    A dark patch (or band) of velvety skin on the back of your neck, armpit, groin, or elsewhere could mean that you have too much insulin in your blood. This is often a sign of prediabetes. The medical name for this skin condition is acanthosis nigricans.

  5. I don’t think Chyna is lying. I don’t believe she bleached, bleach creams can be used (with a dermatologist approval) too help hyperpigmentation & we all change shades depending on the season & weather. I just don’t feel Chyna bleached especially looking at her on camera. Her pictures do make her appear lighter though. Now the other woman is delusional lmaoaoaoa.

  6. Umm. Some black women wear straight wigs to look prettier and some people perm to look prettier some people bleach their skin to look prettier. Only perming and bleaching are damaging but the goal is the same for SOME people. Beauty.

  7. I love this video I know I am a year late but growing up I always thought that Micheal Jacksons life was so sad he did everything in his power to remove his black not only color but features too he was such a handsome man it makes me sad to think the world makes us hate ourselves 🙁 (btw I am mexican and grew up seeing all my friends using mac studio fix 3 shades lighter just sad)

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