تظهر بلاك شاينا لأول مرة في برنامج “ويندي” وتتحدث بصراحة عن صعودها إلى النجومية وعلاقتها مع روب كارداشيان والأمومة ومشاريعها التجارية. تكشف بلاك كيف بدأت صداقتها مع كيم كارداشيان ولماذا انتهت علاقتها مع تايجا. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تتحدث بلاك عن علاقتها بوالدتها وكيف انتهى بها الأمر مع روب كارداشيان. _ #وينديويليامز #بلاك شاينا تابع ويندي شاهدها أولاً. شاهدها الآن. فقط على

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46 تعليق

  1. I cried when Wendy asked if she could call her Angela and she said “thank you” looking at how far she’s come now in 2024 I could really see how freeing that must have felt for her, you aren’t your past, there’s nothing Jesus can’t free you from🙏🙏🙏

  2. When she first came out I thought she was nothing but a gold digger. I thought she was trashy on top of that.. Then I seen how she lived before and why she done what she done and she was done dirty but that thing that with with Kylie. She was underage too and momma did t care. I think it’s funny she said I can get a kardashian too and she did. Anyways I started to really like her . I love what she is doing now getting all that out and being more natural I think she looks better than ever too!! I wish her all the best! You go girl!

  3. I don't believe it was Wendys team who deleted her YouTube page… Wendy knows what she's built – why would she want to erase it? It was her ex-husband Kevin hunter he demanded Debmar-Mercury (distributor for Fox) to remove all content for the WW show.. it just shows how evil and controlling he was….remember when he plotted to try to kill Wendy?..

  4. I’ve had a conversation with blac Chyna on the clubhouse app & she is genuinely so nice & kind. I’ve always loved her, then recently for my birthday, she said happy birthday (& my name) on her Instagram live & it was so sweet because she typically charges people. I love her. I really look up to her!!! She’s worked so hard

  5. I like chyna. Do whatever you have to cause that family is getting away with too much.they always have. With all that money, they think their untouchable.. we need something else to replace this untalented family!

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