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23 تعليق
This was a great video, and your so right, Angela has woke up and the glow in her face says it all.
Thanks for this video. Great hat you have on there!
You do Have to Renounce Hollywood Sir!!
God tells us that we live in this World but Are Not of This World, period!!
Sacrifice is thee Word, light doesn't mix with Darkness, period!!
God sacrificed Jesus and we must Sacrifice everything of this Evil World for God when we Repent and start serving God!!
Rebuke/Bind The Devil and All his Demons/spirits he infests in People everyday in Jesus name!!!
God open their eyes/ears and hearts to your Truth/love and Grace in Jesus Name b4 it's too Late in Jesus name, Amen!!!
Every rich man/women will have to get rid of their riches/money/material things to enter the Kingdom!!
God is Enough, God is Eternal! God is Luv but we have to sacrifice this Evil World for God and Follow his commandments Always to ensure our Soul enters Heaven when we die!!

the black china/ white Angela is esoteric in itself. she is showing us the duality of nature – shes playing yall if you think she has sought out christ.
Praying for Angela!
Love it! Saved by grace alone!
Btw, YT shows me your videos, but doesn’t let me click on them. It’s so bizarre. You click and nothing happens. I have to search for you in the search bar, locate the video then it clicks. This only happens with you and a few other creators. I wonderrr whyyy

So very well said dear brother.
Speak it brother.
Prayers for Angela.
“Blasphemy of the Hollywood spirit”lol good one
Great video! The people with the negative commentary are displaying jealousy. Angela is doing something many of the others wish they can do but don't have the courage.
This is beautiful my sister real talk

in the name of jesus I really love this real talk! Ms white
Praying for our sister Angela in Jesus name

Praise God!
Great video . I'm still observing her before I speak on her spiritual condition.. but this is great to see nonetheless
God is good! Thank you Jesus for setting our sister free

before promoting her we should test the fruits,m.I.a the music artist is an example of people thinking she was christian then she was shown to be New age,chisitans need to give time before saying she's born again we so easily swayed,in these last days these wicked elites use the celebs to lead us to false christianity and one world religions,I'll hold off and see whats happening before promoting someone claiming Christ
Amen bro!!! Amen. Why do people always want to put stipulations on grace and the cross? Preach it brother.. Boom
Man I cried when her mom was mocking her. Jesus alone will bring her through. All we need to do is to pray for her because it is going to be a journey for her because she is leaving Hollywood and you know the puppets will be messing with her but Jesus is bigger than them all. Pray for her.
Praying for Angela to continue to follow Christ!