——————————————————————– انضم إلى نادي عضوية Badd Angel اليوم! ادعم قناتي لتحسين الإنتاج والمعدات مقابل 0.99 دولارًا فقط! انضم هنا: ——————————————————————– إليك وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي الأخرى الخاصة بي 📲 Instagram @baddangelofig Https://www.instagram.com/baddangelofig Twitter @baddangelfromig Https://www.twitter.com/baddangelfromig قم بزيارة الدليل الرسمي الخاص بي للوصول إلى جميع وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي الخاصة بي بما في ذلك المحتوى الحصري الخاص بي: إذا كنت علامة تجارية أو لديك منتج ترغب في أن أقوم بمراجعته، فلا تتردد في الاتصال بي على baddangelbusiness@gmail.com. شكرًا لك على المشاهدة 💖 |موقع قفشات


47 تعليق

  1. I have 3 beautiful dolls which give me pleasure without drama and a lot more peace of mind than the real thing. I also cannot afford a relationship anymore with al those high demaning women that crossed my path.

    Had several (longterm) relationships and dates and it was fun with most but on the long run not worth it. Learned my leason and I am more happy as a single than in a relationship.

  2. Are there any dolls that actually come around the same size as this woman, I wouldn't mind if the doll ended up being around 150lbs, I would like to find a silicone one that is probably a size 8 or 10. That would be awesome.

  3. Bro, send me website any female main character heroines of Chinese donghua drama series for example BTTH cail lin queen msedusa xuner little fairy poisan girl yun yun and the great ruler female character lou li perfect world females characters and other series heroines characters

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