خلال الأسابيع القليلة الماضية، تعرضت بلاك شاينا لضربة قانونية، وذلك بعد هزيمتها بلا رحمة من قبل عشيرة كارداشيان-جينر، ولكن يبدو أنها تحاول الآن تبني نظرة جديدة للحياة. فبعد عيد ميلادها الأخير، كشفت بلاك شاينا أنها احتفلت بعام آخر من حياتها من خلال تعميدها رسميًا. وشاركت بلاك شاينا مقطع فيديو على إنستغرام مع معجبيها تؤكد فيه أنها احتفلت بعيد ميلادها الرابع والثلاثين من خلال تعميدها وتسليم حياتها للمسيح. وفي مقطع الفيديو القصير، الذي يُظهر شاينا مغمورة بالكامل في بركة من الماء بينما ينظر أصدقاؤها وعائلتها، أضافت أيضًا تعليقًا يوضح ما يعنيه هذا الفعل الديني بالنسبة لها. “ولدت من جديد في عيد ميلادي [praying hands emoji] 5/11/22 #بدايات_جديدة،” كتبت. بالإضافة إلى خسارة دعواها القضائية بقيمة 100 مليون دولار ضد عائلة كارداشيان جينر، تواجه بلاك شاينا أيضًا قضايا قانونية أخرى، وتحديدًا اعتداء مزعوم مؤخرًا. كما ذكرنا في وقت سابق من هذا الشهر، زُعم أن شاينا اعتدت على امرأة تدعى سيكويا كينج بركلها في بطنها. وفقًا لشرطة لوس أنجلوس، قدمت كينج تقريرًا عن الاعتداء قيد التحقيق حاليًا. ادعت كينج أنه أثناء وجودها في أحد حانات لوس أنجلوس، كانت بلاك شاينا مستاءة لأنها اعتقدت أن الناس كانوا يصورونها وخصت كينج بالتحديد. ثم اتخذت الأمور منعطفًا عندما زُعم أن شاينا أخذت هاتف المرأة من يدها وضربته على الأرض. بعد ذلك، تقول سيكويا كينج إن شاينا هاجمتها وركلتها في بطنها. في هذه المرحلة، ورد أن أصدقاء شاينا أخرجوها من الموقف وأدخلوها إلى سيارة. |موقع قفشات


32 تعليق

  1. For everyone on here hating on Angela white and Don't know the Lord you better watch your mouth..Jesus Christ came to save sinners remember that..instead of talking bad about her why don't you all pray for her because being baptized isn't easy ,the journey get hard and it harder especially when demons like you guys try to bring her down,because she chooses to live with Jesus Christ… mind your mouth God can change anybody… what about the people who aren't broke n didn't hit rock bottom n got baptized.. so why does it matter the reason she got baptized broke r not .. the point is she trying to turn her life to Jesus.. maybe you need to focus on your relationship with Jesus instead of judging others, and few of you need to repent and get baptized before it to late for you…. I have faith in Jesus Christ he can heal and save anybody….so you all better repent for mocking her.. it none of your business your only business is praying for her.. let all real believer in Jesus Christ pray for deliverance…. good job Angela White…the heavens rejoice when someone get baptized… I will keep you in my prayer Angela white…

  2. Man let’s wait it out and see what she does…. all the comments in this comment section can be really crippling to a new believer image if that was you and you got saved and people talking all crazy and assuming things based of your past y’all acting like y’all was saints when you got saved smh, Jesus saved me at my lowest and I bet He saved some of you at your lowest as well I mean isn’t that kinda apart of the gosple He saved us when we couldn’t save ourselves and this is coming from the “Christians” y’all we ain’t showing no love we being super judgmental right now man we can all do better…. John 13:35
    New International Version
    By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” pray on it!

  3. This dude is such a low key mysogynists it’s not even funny. That’s the time when you’re supposed to give you life over to God, when you’re at your lowest. It’s called surrender. The well running dry may be God’s calling. What is Black women supposed to do? Still be out here tricking at 56/57 years old, doing cocaine with some trick in some hotel? Then when our heart gives out because we done “hit the wall” or the trick done slipped some fentanyl in our shit, what are you Black men gonna say about us then? We can’t win for losing with you guys 👿👿👿


    You are born again when you are like Jesus. Then you are sinless
    1 John 2:
    3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.

    4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

    5 But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.

    6 He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.

    We must be born again!
    Then Jesus has baptized you with the Holy Spirit.
    The Holy Spirit do not let you sin anymore!!!
    To become born again you have to repent and ask Jesus forgiveness for your sins or ask Jesus in your heart!
    A really born again Christian has no future sins!! He is perfect, righteous and the light of the world.
    Please study : 1 John 3, Romans 6:6, Romans 8, Gal 5, Eph 4 , Eph 5 and Titus 2:14!

    I’ll give you my testimony:
    16 May 2011 , I asked Jesus in my heart.
    I was ill at the time.
    Overstrained or burne out and very restless.
    I then felt a vibration going through my body from my head to my toes. Immediately afterwards I became very calm.
    The next morning I was again very restless.
    This lasted about a week.
    I then had a dream that I lived in a prison.
    And a voice then said to me that the devil had to get out of me.
    I then prayed for the devil to leave me.
    Immediately afterwards I felt that same vibration from head to toe again and at the end of it a voice said: you are now free! and now start reading the bible.
    Suddenly I felt a lot of peace and love.
    I was changed from a sinful, selfish person to a born again Christian with a lot of love for the other. And experienced a lot of rest.
    When Jesus has made you free, you are free from sin and free from death.
    Afterwards my illness was the best thing that happened to me.

  5. John the Baptist said, "I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:" She has the former but not the latter!

  6. When woman say they’re a born again virgin , it usually means there box been beat out so many times , godammit they need to go on a break for a while, that’s all, give it 3 weeks and China will be back thotting

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