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44 تعليق
Let’s see how powerful independent and brave females really are. Let’s all just start aspire and see who can survive on their own the longest
It's hilarious. Women have the ability to be whatever they want in the whole wide world.
And what do they try to be? Men. Which simultaneously proves men are better.
Also, don't ever try to be something you're not. Otherwise, it's going to hurt… a lot.
So she works pretty much everyday welcome to adulthood girl. Incredible how modern women are just leeches and think their time is so valuable when she brings nothing of value in a relationship but take, take and more taking.
These women are creepy as fuck…
@26:00 a weird statement is made that women have never directed a genocide. Like, do you know what country you live in? The only lynching case that almost every person in the country knows about was directed by a women. A lot of the actual race riots in this country were started by a lie from a yt woman. Seriously, we have to stop acting like they weren't slave owners and their entire goal is to dominate men of other races like the 19th century yt men who they wanted the same rights as.
It is more than obvious. You have not traveled enough if you've traveled at all. Listen carefully to me in Western culture the only way you get ahead is by licking the a** of the corporation. It's not about merit. It's not about what you can do, or what you know. It's about who you know and whether you kiss ass.
I've gone to other countries there. Opportunities there where corporations haven't taken over everything yet is boundless.
Females saying “hyper sexuality” is actually a lack of self control, self respect and self worth.
In my humble opinion..
Food for Thought
5:56…….."old fashioned" when it suits them, a feminist every other time.
Just avoid these hypocrites before your brain explodes.
Read my 👄; if they're curvaceous and attractive…….high body count. They will NEVER let their assets go to waste.
Loss of shame is the first sign of imbecility.
The closer a woman gets to the wall, the less value she has to men. At least for family building reasons.
Hence the reasons for men forgoing chivalrous manners.
Treat these false accusation women like the criminals these losers will try to justify their false accusations to get out of their Delma but that is what women do women continuously Lie and try to justify that lie she needs to start being treated as the criminal she is no sympathy whatsoever. We need to hold women accountable like Paternity Fraud as women say “you don’t trust me” answer NO Bitch I don’t trust you but guys we need to sue her hold her accountable for her actions, women cheat more then Men with the affairs again Hold women accountable, women hate being held accountable all the more reason too hold her accountable Guys.
Actually… "Down fall" and "west" have the same meaning in Russian language😂😂😂😂
What's the music playing in the background when Knowles is talking? Anyone know? Thanks.
41:16 Is she ready to provide unlimited access to her SM accounts though.
She is right: when women cannot insult your point they insult your character
Women can get any man but can’t keep the man.
80% woman go slu**
2O% men go "chads"
that means
80% men have to figth for the 20% of good woman left…
The west has fallen for us males.
Our woman hate us and have become delusional.
Our government is making us homeless and paying illegal immigrants to invade.
I think.
It's a win,win.
Get out allow our woman to grab hold of all those new dudes crossing our borders daily.
The world actually does have real nice places with real nice people.
Just gotta see for yourself.
It's no longer available in the west.
["Regulate Femmyn-izm!?" Hahahaha!! Fat chance that will ever happen in the West! Unless there is a total Collapse in Laws or Muzz-zlims take over fully, Effinism is and will remain a krayzee-train with no brakes! That group of wombmen are the proverbial broken cup; a vessel that can never be filled to full satisfaction!! Smh🤦🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️]
[Effinists h8ted that RhondaRoussey did not fall in-line with their rhetoric of unequal pay! It's illegal to pay men different from wombmen; if there is even a single instance, where it can be proven by legal comparison, that person can make a 100% sure-win lawsuit! What Fems are arguing/debating for, is more unearned money, extra privileges and superiority above menfolk in the same fields! Ludicrous to any with employer with sound-reasoning, but an opinion that chixx love to use to promote a many-times debunked wage-gap and to further the notion of dames being perpetual Vick Tims! Smh🤦🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️]
This whole transexual thing is a lot of gays after cheap thrills. I'm happy to look the other way while they have their fun but I'm not going to bow down to them and tell them how wonderful they are. ☹
[Chick insisting a man should pay for her on dates is many times foolish! If she shows her butt-whole on spicy pages for $5•99, then she isn't worth even half of minimum-wages that an average man earns by comparison! He gets paid by the hour and his time literally has value attached to it, unlike her luck and subscriptions! Her ineptitude understanding simply that, is what paints her as a clovvn!! That, in essence, is why modern dating is dedd and chixx are always asking where have all the good men gone! You dames want unearned privileges, cash and prizes! Men get better return on investment by directly going to a red-light district instead! Over-valued, over-hyped and over-priced; that's what Western Fems are today!!💸💸👀]
I am proud to say I have 0 social medial crap because I saw wat it was when it started. My reward? People telling me I’m a creep and it’s a red flag. All I fucken do is laugh in their face and thank them for saving me the time.
How come when the whole body count discussion happens no ever brings up STDs?
[Quoting the bible to make a point is fine, but don't cherry-pick parts that support, while ignoring the parts that condemn! Doing so stinkz of hypocrisy, double-standards and modern Scrödinger's Femmyn-izm! That's why in my opinion, Western Fems cannot be leaders as such a mindset is feelings-based; men by majority lead with logic, evidence, receipts and common-sense! And we have built and maintained civilization! Thanks to Pay-tree-arc-key, wombmen can live luxuriously and in relative comfort! Speak with respect or be put out!! Simply put, if your words don't hold water, your points are invalid and you will be ignored for any future intelligent conversation!!☕😐]
Honestly with how many women talking about how they can control their man or any many, blah, blah, blah… they need to stop claiming "patriarchy", because they just said a WOMAN controls the men who are running society… so indirectly it's a MATRIARCHY not a Patriarchy.
The purpose of the transgender movement is to acquire equal rights for people who have various intersex conditions.
Out of every 2000 human beings born, one has intersex or ambiguous gender conditions.
The obvious cases are hermaphrodites but there are many other edge cases like Klinefelter syndrome and androgen insensitivity.
And transsexuals brain constantly tells them that their body is the wrong gender.
The trans lunacy was started and maintained by jews.
WTF have transgenders anything to do with male and female dating problems?
Keep that transphobic crap out of it ffs.
Beware of thieving harlots. Remember: you aren't talking to a woman; you're talking to the Female Hive Mind: and it's a nasty piece of work.
We are no longer dumpster diving to find women here. There are millions of them around the world who are naturally better
If you're not a ( hermaphrodite. 👉Valid sexual being. Respect🙏) .. your a male or a female.
The argument that men make more than women is based on outdated data. Latest studies about income show that women make far more than men doing the same job. The difference is insane. Women actually make a few thousand a year more than men. It's just a fact.
Where do they buy heavy chemicals of such high quality that they are constantly delusional?
Great video 😂😂
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🪬☯️🪬🦅🤠 AMEN AMEN
As a sociologist, these first women are correct in showing the deference between sex and gender. you are born into your sex, but gender is ascribed…."snips and snails and puppy dog tails vs sugar and spice and everything nice". In other words, society says men act this way, work in these jobs and have these family duties. Women act like mother due to early childhood training. The way we act is how we are raised and trained by society.
R u actually going to wear a white dress at the wedding?
women have been the cause of my life's greatest problems.
10:00 😂
I identify as a billionaire… where do I sign up to get the funds?
Oh wait- you mean they're serious? I thought they were just having us on?
Trans men don't have a uterus. They will not menstruate without a uterus.