يتم نشر مقاطع الفيديو كل يوم! أحبكم جميعًا! القناة الرئيسية: تابعوا حساباتي على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي 👇🏽 Instagram: Twitter: Snapchat: njacob0201 أنا أقدر حقًا كل الدعم من كل فرد من أفراد الأسرة! أحبكم يا رفاق! |موقع قفشات


46 تعليق

  1. 😂 yeah that demon is afraid of Jesus but make sure thank he is truly with you when you say it 😂 but yeah she's taking about a demon coming into her as or when she does her she and if the so called bee hive knew the truth about what bee hive mean they wouldn't want to be called that or maybe they do 😮😅.

  2. My man talking about what Beyonce means, filling in so called blanks!?
    I don't buy it, I don't think just because she's talking about a different personality is taking over that she's talking about being possessed, I don't think that because she said something came into her, that it means a demon went into her..,this is a play on words. She could just be stating that something comes over her when she gets on stage & she can't be that same person when she's off stage. This guy's is trying to control the narrative & put out what he says are facts, but I don't buy it! Everyone wants their 5 mins..& I just wasted at least that watching some of this video!

    The Lord will reign & I will not be fooled by wolves in sheep's clothing, not even those that come baring news that would be called warnings. Be careful who you listen to, as even satan was a beautiful angel, once!

  3. 😮 I was watching her My Power video & the first image freaked me out! For just a second, it showed what looked like a bull- headed person with red hooves. Then it was again at end of video. Gave me creepy feeling. Please see if u see it too. I haven't found anything else said about it yet. 😮
    (Also in video is lady wearing long horns.)

  4. She flat out admit it on the Oprah show that something takes over.and what happens when you’re possessed?something takes over.yall stop defending her🤔🤦🏾‍♀️😒

  5. I believe these are also some drug-fueled moments, you can see it. Like when Beyonce walked up to JayZ while he was rapping, you can see it's as if she was experiencing a rush of some kind which often also comes with potent stimulants like X_T_Cs.

  6. It's all fun and games until someone is burning in hell for eternity. Many artists and performers are coming out now saying that they literally sold their soul for fame and fortune. Others have been offered and have refused. I have honestly never thought Jay Z, Beyonce, Bob Dylan, Katy Perry have been phenomenal artists personally. Not on the level of fame they have achieved. Believe me for the small amount of time we walk this Earth that agreement is not worth it.

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