لقد صدمت بلاك شاينا، نجمة برنامج OnlyFans وبرنامج تلفزيون الواقع، العالم مؤخرًا باعتناقها المسيحية والتخلي عن ماضيها الشيطاني من خلال مشاركة معموديتها الأخيرة على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي. حتى أنها أزالت وشم بافوميت كرمز لإيمانها المكتشف حديثًا. ولكن هل يمكنها البقاء على المسار الصحيح في هوليوود؟ في هذا الفيديو، نستكشف الدروس التي يمكن للكاثوليك أن يتعلموها من رحلة الفداء الرائعة التي خاضتها بلاك شاينا. بصفتها متحولة إلى الإيمان المسيحي، واجهت العديد من التحديات والنكسات. ولكن من خلال تسليم حياتها لله، وجدت شعورًا جديدًا بالهدف والأمل. انضم إليّ ونحن نستكشف ما يعنيه أن تكون متحولًا أو مرتدًا عن الكاثوليكية، وكيف يمكن لقصة بلاك شاينا أن تلهمنا وترشدنا في رحلاتنا الروحية. تابعني على إنستغرام: تابعني على تيك توك: #blacchyna #christianity #conversion #catholicwoman #catholicism #christianwoman #christianity #howtobecomeecatholic ❌️ *ملحوظة:* جميع التعليقات محفوظة للمراجعة، بما في ذلك الردود لأن بعضكم مجانين. يُرجى السماح بمرور ما يصل إلى 24 ساعة حتى يظهر تعليقك. |موقع قفشات


39 تعليق

  1. Share in the comments: What has been your greatest CHALLENGE when it comes to your walk in faith? Particularly as a convert or revert? And, what advice would you give to new Catholics who have made the hard decision to turn away from the world and give it all up for Jesus Christ? Your thoughts might inspire someone else, and change a life.

  2. My initial greatest challenge was quitting social media… which was the source of my downfall from Protestant Christianity. Thanks be to God He hounded me and brought me home to the Catholic Church… so He triumphs over all. Still, quitting Instagram and FB was difficult. I will put this lady in my rosary and ask for her continued protection.

  3. This is an honest opinion, but I think Chyna has realized she hit the wall and that she won’t be as marketable on OF, so now it’s time to turn to a new selling platform, which is selling “Christianity”.

  4. I am so happy for her. I am praying for her and other celebrities who are openly Christian and also their detractors. We are all children of God, and He is always seeking His lost sheep.

  5. God bless you always, you are doing good even if you don’t see it or hear it you might be saving souls and don’t know it but God see, hear and knows all the thank God’s He received from people that you helped without knowing. Keep up the good work and have a good one.

  6. When you are already married with children and you revert: …..I am accused of "basing my entire existence on the catholic church" ….🤔…..that everything about my life is now through this lens and it is "obsessive" . I am told it should be seperate , not WHO I AM . It has been over a decade since this reversion, and although I DO understand that someones reversion/conversion excitement can be very annoying , as one tends to talk about it a lot, wanting to share…..IN MY case this did happen, but I was also very mindful of not annoying my family. But till this day, it is resented as something that changed me. And staying on this road is LONELY. So I think this is my main point, it is LONELY. VERY .VERY. LONELY. And the fights of getting teens to mass and catechism are very tiring. The initial excitement passes, the honeymoon and consolations pass…..then the hard hard graft starts.

  7. Thank you for that segment TCBC.
    I pray for Angela White. I hope she is sincere. I hope she is safe.
    May God Bless this Young Lady and her loved ones, during her sojourn. May God also Bless TCBC. Pax Christi!

  8. Only God can truly fill our cup. I know a woman who was a film producer in Hollywood she wasn’t big name but she said she acquired all of this fame and success and was beautiful and all of this stuff but was empty spiritually and she was brought low to the pretty much rock bottom and she then believed on the Lord and said slowly how the Holy Spirit started moving and it’s just a true testament to how the Holy Spirit draws all of the earth and even in a persons bottom God is still present and she said when she got to the top there was nothing there and said the simple life she lives with her son is so much better because she’s fulfilled spiritually.

  9. They are teaching in the Gnostic religion in Hollywood that Baphomet is a symbol of Gnosis. This is a fusion of the Freemason, dark Kabbalism, etc. They are grasping on the celebs with these belief systems.
    Thank you so much for being so strong in sharing your Catholic faith, sister! Happy lenten season to you! 💜

  10. As she isn't Catholic, I hope that she keeps going as we are the one true faith, and heresy can still be a condemnable offense. She's not completely out of the danger yet. However, it's interesting that she said that the tattoo doesn't mean that to her, because then why did you get it? Yes, I know certain people are foolish and think they are edgy. Although a majority do like what it stands for, hence why they get it. If you don't agree with it why is it on you? That's like saying oh I don't agree with the Nazis but this swastika means something different for me. The heck did you just even say?? Plus whether you use it for something different it will always have it's negative ties and original meaning. I see anything related to the devil and immediately I see the person as a threat to others including children and I want them gone. This probably stems from the fact that I am the victim of satanic abuse. I even see certain blesseds now that were a part of this like Bartolo longo and i just can't see them the same way as the other blessed people and saints. Although I'm thrilled they saved their souls, although I understand the whole thing on an intellectual/theological level, even though if they repent Christ cleanses them, to me once a satanist you will always be tainted. I couldn't tolerate your presence around me. I can't stand fools and that's what his followers are or once were. I feel like a part of this may be an imperfection so please do pray for me. A girl is struggling with these wicked people.

  11. Angela's friends are not her friends. I'm in confusion, I was forced to block a friend that I was told was bad for me. But she is religious. I had no friends in school because when I was picked on, I said to them, "I will pray for you!" I got picked on more. But sadly, this is the world.

  12. WOW! This is incredible. I actually saw Angela in person back when she was still Blac Chyna. My daughter and I saw her with a group of people at an In n' Out in the San Fernando Valley three years ago before the pandemic. I remember thinking how "plastic" she looked. But now that she accepted Christ, she looks so beautiful. The happiness radiates off her.

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