تعود أنجيلا “بلاك تشاينا” وايت إلى “تامرون هول” لتحديث حصري عن رحلتها الروحية وتعافيها من الإدمان وعودة جراحات التجميل. في الجلسة الحميمة، تحتفل أنجيلا أيضًا بعام واحد من التعافي مع تامرون وضيف مفاجئ يجعلها تبكي! #TamFam، أحضر مناديلك! اشترك في برنامج تامرون هول: ابحث عن وقتك وقناتك:
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تابعونا: انستجرام: تويتر: فيسبوك: بينتريست: انضم إلى عرضنا: من المؤثر للغاية إلى المرح البحت، “تامرون هول” هي وجهة يومية لكل الأشياء الموضعية ومنصة للمشاهدين للتواصل مع الأشخاص الذين يشكلون عالمنا من خلال محادثات هادفة وجذابة ومسلية. بصفتها أمًا جديدة ومتزوجة حديثًا وناجية تثبت أنه يمكنك إنجاز أي شيء في أي عمر، تجلب تامرون هول صوتًا منعشًا وقابلًا للتواصل ولا يمكن التنبؤ به ولا يمكن إيقافه إلى التلفزيون. يبث “تامرون هول” من مدينة نيويورك ويضم مزيجًا ديناميكيًا من العروض الحية والمسجلة، ويبث في جميع أنحاء البلاد في نقابة وطنية. |موقع قفشات
45 تعليق
Yes I love this I swear all females need their mom just as much as they need Their daddy and this showed this is what angela needed
I felt the connection when Angela said hey Mama what you doing and she said hey my baby this my big baby and then she said your big baby and then she said why are you crying because she knew her mom was really fighting to pull her out the industry and she never thought that she would make it to this point that's why she started crying cuz her mama never left her side she never left her in there to lose herself more her mama is her teacher her daughter her gift from God to show her the way when she got lost to all mothers out there we are thankful to have y'all as teachers and guidance even the ones who don't understand what they're going through you will find a way cuz God delivers all the time in Jesus name amen
Got me crying I love this they came a long way and I love this journey she’s on and it’s makes it even better that her and her mother reconciled their relationship

I love this so much

Whitelicious has worked so good for Chyna.
She is super pale skinned !!
I can not be HAPPIER for Angelaaaa!! God is truly good!!

She looks so beautiful and refreshed. I want to be 1 year sober. I'll have to start tomorrow because I've had wine today.
Am watching right now June 13 2024 crying all times
Love it for Angela, such a big jump from those zeus episodes
Tokyo Toni: "How are you?"

Tamron Hall: "You know what? I'm great. I'm great, and look, your child is over here crying."
Tokyo Toni: "I know, I know."
Congratulations on your one year sobriety, Angela! I'm really happy for you!

Tamron Hall: "Um, I've followed, and I've seen the ups and downs."

Tokyo Toni: "Yes."
Tamron Hall: "How does it feel for you? To as she said, you were a baby when you had her…
…and you evolved yourself as a parent."
Tokyo Toni: "Yes."
Tamron Hall: "How does it feel for you?"
Anthony Walker: Yeah, I saw the whole thing, too, you know.

Tokyo Toni: "It's so big that sometimes she forgot about herself, taking care of everyone else. You know how many cats she has?"

Whoa! Angela has cats, huh? You don't know how many she's got!
Tokyo Toni: "She just got another cat."
Angela: "His name's Riley."
Tamron Hall: "And so, the audience, you don't know this, but I know this, and we talked about her a second ago. You reconciled with your mom, and she wanted to be here as you know. Tokyo Toni, come on out!"

Now, what is Angela crying about–because of her mom?

This is Angela. So beautiful
love Toki Toni too
Team Angela!
this woman is SO DISGUSTING !!!

Toni's dress is everything

God lover her
This made me tear up
I’m so invested in these two amazing people
This is amazing to see Angela transform her image and relationships ! These women are coming from the ghetto with a mentality that’s set for them to fail! I’m so impressed and proud of them and I pray her children will be proud of her. I’m excited to see what is to come for her and her children! Blessings and Prosperity Angela
That looks beautiful you with your mother God bless both of you

That's so sweet of them
Tamron Looks Like Amara La Negra
Jesus saves daily Angela is a witness God bless y'all ladies
Sobriety is huge Amen
Wow beautiful
Wow, I'm so proud of her, and even prouder that she gave her life to Jesus. California is the devil's state and she needs to be blessed in Jesus's blood anytime she's there.
Ummm Tokyo looks so good
We’re rooting for you Angela! Keep choosing peace in love not low vibration drama.
Tokyo Toni is literally a clinical narcissist, and super duper abusive. I feel so sorry for Angela, because she'll always let her mother back in. She just wants her love. You need to learn when to let go.
Omg please stop bleaching your skin!
She's like 4 shades lighter!
What in the skin bleach
Reuniting with your abusive mother on TV is so meta. Insane
Not ONE dry eye! I love Angela and I love Toni! I'm so glad that they have gotten to a good place as mother and daughter. SATAN you're going to have to try SOMEONE ELSE! You can't MESS with the children of GOD!!!!!
I love how she claps for herself
A real parent would be on your behind to get you straight. Tokyo Toni was battling for her child and she didn't care who or what she had to go up against!

Sheesh I was reading the comments wondering why everyone was crying… to end up tearing up the last 3 mins
. I usually don’t care for celebrity news but- I feel empathy for her as she genuinely wants to change. She wants to separate herself from the weirdness of hollywood, and for that: I’m proud her.
Am so so Proud of Angela white..I will always love this woman.
I can't believe she was getting cyber stalked by Kim the whole time and she did not win the case! Manipulation is real.