في وقت لاحق من هذا الموسم من The Real Black Chyna، ستصبح الأمور حقيقية بالتأكيد! اشترك في The Zeus Network لمشاهدة The Real Blac Chyna: |موقع قفشات
في وقت لاحق من هذا الموسم من The Real Black Chyna، ستصبح الأمور حقيقية بالتأكيد! اشترك في The Zeus Network لمشاهدة The Real Blac Chyna: |موقع قفشات
49 تعليق
Wow her friends really are ungrateful
20k …im sorry but Treasure should've flipped that and invested into marketing her business therefore she wouldn't need Chyna to post her on her story .Silly treasure
Looking at it now Tokyo was right about everything she said about chyna and her friends
I get both opinions
Ok but she couldn’t advertise her business tho? My bsf would NEVER HAVE TO ASK me to post her business I’ll advertise it every chance I get!
They really made Treasure look like the "entitled" friend LMAO she is far from that!
I’m sorry but chyna is wrong, she had this fall out shit cuz of Zeus
After watching Treasure interview that 10-20k was deserved. Her friend was doing a lot for her. So stop calling her a bum.
That is crazy is crazy
Zeus was a really good network until they started messing with Tokyo Tony!. Lol

You don’t give me money Ange.
I gave you 10-20 thousand
That was last September .
Jeeeesss US!
Y’all betta apologize to my big sister Treasure now lmfao
Angie you dirt for this but I mean at least you got paid congrats.
She a toxic person raised by a toxic nut.
please let me to have a good night sleep for an appointment with a friend
More money more problems
This girl was working for you…. that's why you can't be someone's all. Treasure was their for Chyna though she had so much going through.
If someone gave me 20k I’ll be sure to flip that. How u blow 20k in a year and you broke still?
I thought black chyna is Cardi B. Hard to tell the difference.
okay but like…can I have that 10,20k tho
don't make a distraction the main attraction – GOLD!
I feel like her "best friend" was useing her for money and her mom they where both being ungrateful af like chy bought her mom a 40,000 dollar car and she said that's what a maid drives.I feel bad for her bc everyone is useing her but she doesn't realize it.
She is so ungrateful because if your friend is giving you $20,000 you got to be grateful for that.
But now she want to be ungrateful selfish ass b***

Chyna should’ve known never be friends with a stripper!
she did put her friend on . she put her on her show .
It was all black china and the producers creating drama to bump up the ratings for the show .
Is that the new acceptable description of friendship these days or
The producers were instigating drama ( behind the scenes ) with
Treasure, Tokyo & her whole team*
And that's why it was the pro – ducers who arranged for Treasure to be there at that time so they could be there to film the whole encounter .
You can't have a reality show without drama .
Angela ( black china ) knew what she was doing…
She wasn't some innocent victim by any means
She was a willing participant in the demise of all her relationships & her entire team, just to create drama for the show …….but……
It all back fired in her face when her entire team all walked out on her *
And just because you loan or give a friend money , doesn't mean you have a right to treat them like shit…
throw it up in their face when you get mad , start acting like you better than them..and then call them a bum ass bitch…
was it all just hyped up for ratings ?
Where can I see the full episode, cuz I’m not tryna subscribe to Zeus just to see this.
Damn 10 or 20k smh and she couldn’t flip that shit oh no at this point she’s buying her friendship I remember those days better cut em off
Damm 10 20 that's crazy why her friend asking for money like that wow
she doesn't deserve so much shit around her
ungrateful and interested people
To me honestly if my friend asked me to post them I would . It wasn’t even that big of a deal an wouldn’t have effected Chyna in anyway but showing that she supporting her friend this was selfish . Yeah I get what she saying but humble your self sis cause when things come down and you have no fame no money no friends no family then what your gonna have your money ??? To me that’s miserable but maybe money buys her happiness.
This Silly little girl Treasure needs to learn from Scott! When he was quietly working on his own clothing line, he didn’t force it down the Kardashians throats to promote his line. In his words, He ‘wanted them to wear it if they wanted to’ Thats him not wanting to impose!!! If Chyna wanted to promote her stuff she wouldn’t have to ask, but she didn’t want to and Treasure has to be fine with that! That girl Chyna is has been through a lot and is STILL there for her so called ‘friends’ even when she’s not obligated to be of assistance in the capacity that she already has! And their relationship, if it’s an honest one, should not be based on Chyna not promoting whatever Treasure is selling.
Treasure Already has a following just based off of being Chyna’s friend! She should shut up and make that work for herself… And be grateful dammit! Sheesh
Can’t stand Ingrates! Chyna owes you NOTHING! Chyna is NOT your kids father, your Mother or your Lord & Savior!!
Y’all keep saying Treasure is trying to come up off chyna. That’s definitely not the case. Treasure & Chyna had been friends since before chyna blew up. Treasure supported Chyna in anything she did. Unlike Chyna mom. So for Treasure to ask her to promote her brand and Chyna didn’t do it as her bestfriend she should’ve. I personally feel like Chyna didn’t do it because she knew Treasure would come up and that’s not what she wanted Chyna wants to be in the limelight as much as she can that she doesn’t want her bestfriend of so many years to make it. It’s sad young. IF IT WERE ME AND MY BESTFRIEND AND I WAS A MILLIONAIRE OH MY BESTFRIEND A MILLIONAIRE TOO especially if she was the one who supported me and helped me ! tuh.
That "friend" always have me entitled vibes..poor Chyna can't catch a break on any side
This is what Tokyo was talking about people around her just want her money if you look in the first episode she kept saying that.
Im sorry but nobody put a gun to Chyna’s head to give money, take accountability for your choices, don’t give money you cant afford to lose & don’t give money to someone under the pretence of caring to just throw it back in their face when convenient.
You guys are taking like Chyna didn’t have plenty hand out. Real wealth comes with heart, best believe if I work to be straight, imma work twice as hard for my brothers and sisters to be straight too. FOH smh
If chyna posts her products people will say " owwh she used Chyna to get to the top" .. that's why Chyna instead invested on the business and didn't post .. that's a true friend ..20k ..damn that's a lot ..Libras don't appreciate anything ..so treasures behaviour doesn't press me .. it's very common for Libras to point out what you didn't do for them ..and forget the bigger picture ..
Chyna doesn't have a NO ..stop helping these fools ..focus on your business and kids boo .. damn! They always expect so much from Blac Chyna ..just because she has money
It’s a Nicki Minaj wannabe with less class and a kid.
That's why I could never be friends with frauds like her. You was once calling her your friend now you bashing her about how much money you gave her. Fake ass fraud
That's why I could never be friends with frauds like her. You was once calling her your friend now you bashing her about how much money you gave her. Fake ass fraud
She’s not obligated to give anyone money but she could’ve posted her business. Support your friends!
Why she has to give money to her friends woww that lady when was the last time you give me money. Please get a job
That hair!
Like Biggie said more money, more problems….I feel for Chyna she seems like a good hearted person.
She gave her 20k and she said “that was last year” she is so ungrateful