
46 تعليق

  1. No one wants a used car when you can afford the newer model. The kids suffer for women’s poor choices and are a deal breaker for most men. Funny how they hit the wall they come up with sad excuses to make themselves feel better.

  2. This is a typical Kevin Samuel textbook wasteland 101.
    Had a baby with a pathetic fool after that she wants a high value man.. holding out for one but what happened with the pathetic food you didn't hold out for him..
    Can't make this s*** up..

  3. The audacity of this woman..saving her virginity n rejecting alot of good dude to give it up to a thug..(always happens)..then try to shame other men to accept her n another man's child as a deal..😒😒

  4. Theres a lot of Women out there who's clearly physically Beautiful, but they dont see it, in their opinion they think their looks are unattractive, and they are literally confused about how and why so many people think they are HOT. And no matter how hot they look, they still have a certain LOW SELF ESTEEM in their minds.

  5. You think she would sit back and have her slice of humble pie after being humiliated. She was looking down on women having premarital sex only to break her own word and GET PREGNANT by a pookie. The man had women all through their house and ended up getting shot and killed a few years later. Hold that L, sis.

  6. I honestly believe its all in your mind and your outlook on life – appearances aren't always everything.. It's certainly not too late for her to truly be happy within herself for real… because I don't believe all those captions lol… Once she works out her inner suffering and becomes confident/vibrant & truly happy + love themselves.. she will attract not only a deserving man but opportunities and fulfillment and peace in life 🙂

  7. Na celebrities are not your average wall hitter, if she's smart she'll get a rich man who will save her.
    But crying like she does reveal that she's feeling the disturbance in the force.

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