في هذه الحلقة من #CareshaPlease، تجلس مضيفتنا #YungMiami المعروفة باسم Caresha مع #BlacChyna الشهيرة لمناقشة إجراءات التجميل الأخيرة التي خضعت لها، وتخرجها من كلية الكتاب المقدس، ودورها القادم في مسرحية حية لـ BAPS. تتحدث Blac Chyna بصراحة عن رحلتها الروحية، والقضاء على التأثيرات السلبية. كما تتحدث عن تحديات كونها شخصية عامة وحماية أطفالها من السلبية. تناقش Chyna علاقتها المشتركة بتربية الأطفال مع شركائها السابقين Tyga وRob Kardashian، وإعطاء الأولوية لطفلهما. تشارك Blac Chyna أيضًا علاقاتها السابقة وأهمية بناء صداقة قبل الدخول في علاقة جدية. نلعب أيضًا “هذا أو ذاك”، بما في ذلك التفضيلات في الأنشطة الجنسية. تناقش Blac Chyna تجاربها مع الرجال الذين يحاولون إيقاعها في الفخ، ووسائل منع الحمل، وماضيها كراقصة عارية. لا تفوت هذه الحلقة من Caresha Please!! -ابحث عن REVOLT على التلفزيون هنا: ابق على اتصال مع REVOLT هنا: قم بتنزيل تطبيقنا لمزيد من المحتوى الحصري! + اشترك الآن: الموقع الإلكتروني: (Surf) Instagram: (Follow) Twitter: (Follow) Facebook: (Like) أرسل لنا رسالة نصية! (404) 737-1393 Snapchat: Revolt.TV (Add) TikTok: REVOLT |موقع قفشات
35 تعليق
It is very refreshing to see US interact with each other using compliments and laughter. 🖤👑
Miami has some growing to do. Chyna has been through some things and know better! Miami trafficked dope for the Diddler… says a lot! This interview is awesome!!!!
I ❤ Angela , I enjoy how she carriez herself,. Caresha said her interview With BC wasnt a good interview, She made it sound like Angela wasnt good to interview . What was her reason for not liking our Angela ? they both sweets girls but Caresha dont pronounce her words properly it always sound like Caresha swallowing somthing and she leaves the last couple letters off her words 😮😂.
She must have really been doing the work.
caresha is dumb. everyone touting caresha as a great interviewer is dumber. dumbing down of society
i loved it so much. Caresha is the best with all her guests
Listening to this sounds like a normal conversation more so than an interview. I just watched Santana and Caresha interview, she is kinda in this same space now. She should have reached out to Chyna during her situation. Caresha is saying what Chyna was speaking on back then. Wowsers
Chyna perspective changed because she wanted change.
I really don’t know why Caresha said she didn’t like interview.
I actually enjoyed it and watched the entire segment.
Black Chyna was very real, transparent and very relatable ❤
This ladies and gentlemen is a refined woman beautiful brains respect and learned from past experiences she looks and speaks amazing
Love the show 😍😍😍😍😍 p
Watch The interviewers facial expression,the Baphemat! Caresha knows what one has to do to stay in the industry. She will not mix with Angela again ,y? Not on the same wavelengths to get the Devils sign off yr body is a no nooo. The industrys God is whom?
Love you China. So proud of you for valuing yourself ❤️ you’re perfect the way you are!!
42:56 😳
Y’all don’t understand Jesus is real and gives peace,
God 100% speak with signs and wonders. Burning bush, spoke thru a donkey , raven fed Elijah i can go on.
Diddy has been h!V+ since the 80s. Some time in the 2000s, diddy began being seen in public with hpv warts and scars on his mouth. If an individual has hpv wart scars for longer than thirty days, it is A!dS. diddy doesn't just have h!V. He has had full-blown A!dS now for two decades. People are finally coming forward about diddy's sexual assaults against them because those folks now have diddy's strain of a!dS.
Caresha sounds so uneducated!!! Lol you can tell she didn't like the professional way Black Chyna answered her questions.
Same style on the second colar from top shoulder across the back colar to the opposite side same
Across the top of the hips amd lower back a rectangle on the back of the leather mini skirt.
It’s Oka to have a relationship with God, but you must do the relationship with God the way God wants the relationship to be ! Can’t do things the way YOU want to do , dealing with God ! Period
I knew tyga was her fav
There is no connection cuz the age and life experience differences. Plus Angela is from DC and probably can't understand YM lol but I think she gave good vibes from not getting much in response
I love her and have watched her 😍 she did a great job here but the interviewer was cold and needs an English teacher SMH
Interviewer is a trashy girl. I thought Angela was Born Again? What is going on now?
A conversation with god is talking to him
Sooo did Angela White remove the Baphomet?? From her kitchen cabinet?? Her Mom ❤Tokyo Toni don't play with Angela Our Mom's from that Era & Back when will take off on you no matter the age
Sooo That's called a honorary degree. Bible College is real. You do study, homework, everything the same as regular colleges
It was the mmhmm after everything she said 😂😂seems so uninterested
That looked awkward AF.
She is beautiful in and out. I AM PROUD of how relatable she is ##
Diddy is not graceful 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Now that Diddy sold Revolt watch how Caresha Please disappear 😂Only won them awards for best podcast cus she was allegedly Diddy sex worker and transported coke for him🤦♂️