شاركها فيسبوك تويتر رديت بينتيريست البريد الإلكتروني #بلاك_تشاينا #وجه_جديد #بليتش #نيكي_ميناج #كاردي_بي #نورماني |موقع قفشات أخرى بلاك تتخلص تشاينا قفشات قفشات عالمية مرة. من موقع وجهها
@potionsandelixers on أغسطس 22, 2024 7:52 ص Tell me you're insecure without telling me you're insecure رد
@shellyshelliscooking6975 on أغسطس 22, 2024 7:52 ص She was beautiful before she got that she do not look right I don't like it it looks scary her cheekbones is too high and too full she look a mess رد
@cookiecuteasapuppy1008 on أغسطس 22, 2024 7:52 ص She’s very beautiful but honestly the very chemicals that we inject in our body catches up in the long term… body maintenance will only get you so far before reputable damage done! رد
10 تعليقات
She's still beautiful.
I think she just want to show her natural hair.
She look like a clown.
Tell me you're insecure without telling me you're insecure
I like her nose tb
She was beautiful before she got that she do not look right I don't like it it looks scary her cheekbones is too high and too full she look a mess
I always thought she looked like the bride of chucky
It look the same
She’s very beautiful but honestly the very chemicals that we inject in our body catches up in the long term… body maintenance will only get you so far before reputable damage done!