مقابلة وصور شخصية لجوليانا المعروفة باسم دايموند، مدمنة الميثامفيتامين في سكيد رو. إليك رابطًا لفيديو متابعة مع جوليانا: للحصول على مقاطع فيديو خالية من الإعلانات وغير خاضعة للرقابة والكثير من المحتوى الحصري، يرجى الاشتراك في قناة الاشتراك Soft White Underbelly. تبلغ تكلفتها 10 دولارات شهريًا ويمكن مشاهدتها على تطبيقات Apple وAndroid المحمولة، وRoku TV، وApple TV، وAmazon Fire. إليك كيفية شراء كتاب Soft White Underbelly والسلع: #swu #softwhiteunderbelly #documentary #marklaita #addictionstruggles #awareness #mentalhealth |موقع قفشات


36 تعليق

  1. She said: I have 4 kids. All in September 2022. Then she stopped to think whether what she just said made sense……then she realized she needed to add “Twins” into that mix of words……yea right. This isn’t a mother.

  2. Juliana + Jayme= psychotic gold and possibly the birth of the Antichrist. I spend hours imitating those two ❤
    Imagine having a smiling person remove your limbs while singing the Vanilla ice song from that old ninja turtles movie.. in a nice way 😊

  3. First, I want to wish the best for this woman. Behind the smile I believe there is a lot of trauma and heartache. Out of all of his videos this is the hardest to watch. I have seen actual friends of mine go from completely normal to exactly like this woman. After endless days of using crystal meth their logical brain just disappears. I had a shotgun pointed at my temple. my roommate thought the FEDS were outside and I was one of them. He didn’t even recognize me as me. In his mind I was a completely different person. I’ve never been so terrified in my entire life. Luckily his girlfriend came home just in time to convince him, after about an hour and a half, not to shoot my brains out. I was 22 then and I am 48 now. That experience changed my life in so many ways… The more pure the meth the more the body can surpass sleeping. I remember hearing my roommates girlfriend say Allen had been up for weeks. I always wondered what happened to them. I hope they got clean and are doing well today. ❤

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