لقد سمعنا جميعًا عن الفتيات الطيبات والفتيات السيئات في وسائل الإعلام والترفيه ثم في الحياة الواقعية. والأكثر شهرة هو الفتاة الطيبة التي تحولت إلى فتاة سيئة بفضل ريهانا وفنانين آخرين مثل مايلي سايرس الذين جعلوا هذا التوجه شائعًا. ولكن ماذا عن الفتيات السيئات اللائي أصبحن طيبات بناءً على ما يعتبره المجتمع سلوكًا “جيدًا”؟ وما هو وراء هذه التحولات؟ مرحبًا بكم 😊 في هذا الفيديو، نتعمق في التحولات الأخيرة في الشخصيات العامة لأمبر روز وبلاك شاينا وجوين ذا ميلك ميد وبريتاني رينر. لقد تصدرت هؤلاء النساء المؤثرات في وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والثقافة الشعبية عناوين الأخبار بسبب التغييرات الجذرية في صورتهن وأسلوب حياتهن. ولكن ما الذي يدفع هذه التحولات؟ نستكشف عوامل مثل الشيخوخة والاتجاهات الجديدة وتفضيلات الجمهور المتغيرة والتجارب السلبية في أدوارهن الحالية التي أثرت على قراراتهن بإعادة اختراع أنفسهن. من دعم أمبر روز المفاجئ لترامب إلى إعادة صياغة العلامة التجارية الإيجابية لـ بلاك شاينا من حيث عكس سنوات من الجراحة التجميلية، إلى ترك جوين لقناتها على يوتيوب ASMR لتصبح زوجة تقليدية لبريتني رينر التي وجدت معنى جديدًا في اعتناق الإسلام، دعونا نكشف عن الدوافع وراء هذه التحولات. إذا كنت فضوليًا بشأن سبب تبني هؤلاء “الفتيات السيئات” سابقًا لهوية “الفتاة الطيبة” الجديدة، فهذا الفيديو لك! شكرًا للمشاهدة، يرجى مشاركة آرائك في قسم التعليقات أدناه، والإعجاب والاشتراك ❤️ . . . . . . . #AmberRose #BlacChyna #GwentheMilkmaid #BrittanyRenner #CelebrityTransformations #gwengwiz #SocialMediaInfluencers #socialcommentary #videoessay #PopCulture #goodgirls #badgirls #badgirlsgonegood #goodgirlsgonebad #asmr #kanyewest #wizkhalifa #pjwashington |موقع قفشات


43 تعليق

  1. It amazes me how impressed people are from bad girls going good as if they are doing us a favor. What about the ones who bought the "good gurl " stereotype for life? They are treated poorly and not that impressive at all. We like the illusion of turning something to the opposite…being impressed by bare minimum descent behavior while putting in high demanding standards the one's who already are half the way and more. People like assuming everyone is broken and if not they'll make sure to break you so you feel exactly like them. Humanity is so sick

  2. I’m Canadian so I’m so glad I don’t have to choose who’s gonna be the next president cuz y’all got some goofy ppl,running every year after Obama but from what I’ve seen trump say on national tv idk if he’s racisit or not, I know he’s cool with Kanye and one minute he’s talking about my African American friend is the greatest but then when the police brutality marches we’re going on he called us dangerous thugs even tho we were walking with our hands up with no weapons at all, nothing in our hands other than our phones leading peaceful protest, then he’s locking up Mexicans even children getting them lost and separated from their parents so idk, Brit is also a flip flopper for me as well, one minute she’s saying she wanted the married life but the next she said she slept with 2 guys in the same day and got a yeast infection? Idk as a Christian that loves other peaceful religions I’m glad they found positive paths

  3. These women are mediocre/average/not at all special in the liberal/progressive space. Their "switch" is a money grab and the bid for attention. They are absolutely trying to stay relevant!

  4. I can’t take any of these types of women seriously. It’s like they reached a certain age, looked around, then started to panic and overcorrect.
    The Only Fans checks dry up and then all the sudden they want to rant about how all unmarried women should be virgins 🙄

  5. They put on ‘different shoes’ lol it’s because they adjust according what’s popular right now. It’s not cause they decided to change on their own. They playing these roles. Disgusting fake women. 🤢🤢🤮🤮

  6. This definitely seems like a method of survival even if it’s not just trying to stay relevant. Angela White seems like she has been through a lot and is actually working towards making differences, as for the rest them (this is just my assumption) it seems like a method of survival. Most of them are older and the age where your “supposed to settle down” and the pressure to do so becomes immense. i feel like that rebrand is part of that, especially how that aligns with the trends at the moment. with how tumultuous the past couple years have been, i believe a great deal of women may have adopted a “damsel mindset” wanting to be saved by knight, who is “high value” and they can settle down with in a comfortable home just like their newfound idol – sofia richie. becoming more traditional and embodying the expectations of american feminity, being modest, conservative, demure, second to a man, seems to be the answer to achieve that. instead of breaking boundaries, “girl-bossing”, and “being your own woman” which at times tbh… can be exhausting, but also “not what a man wants.” (also i know reading this must’ve been a clusterfuck but thanks for bearing through it 😭 )

  7. That’s fine. You can convert to whatever religion you want. What I’ve noticed is (this is PURELY ANECDOTAL) how converts are the absolute worst people in that they seem they have something to prove.

  8. Amber doesn't count, she's a money hopper. I think everyone who wants to change for the right reasons of course should be able to make that change and be a better person. My thing is the hypocrisy of it all, the audacity of it all. The high and mighty like don't you have videos on worldstars fighting two of your so called bae's allegedly crazy baby mamas. I could've sworn you got into a scandal barely a year ago for a Resurfaced video of you. Allegedly 😮🍆 in a drive thru. Blac Chyna in my opinion had no choice but to be a "bad girl" look who raised her, her hot ass mess of a mama

  9. Isn’t this common with former Sex Workers though? Doesn’t society condemn women being overly sexual and “praises” more modest women?

    It’s why them becoming modest or even extremely religiously devout doesn’t shock me at all.

  10. I turned into a “bad girl” out of survival. I don’t have to try to survive day to day anymore. The little girl in me deserves to be treated gently & I try to do that for her everyday. I’m slowly getting her back

  11. How becoming a trad widfe or a Trump supporter makes a woman a "good girl". Defending minorities' rights or liberal ideas doesn't make someone a "bad person". This doesn't make sense and it is very judgmental.
    Black Chyna's transition is understandable as she refused the exploitation of her image.

  12. IMO, Blacc Chyna is the only authentic one who is serious about changing. Amber Rose doesn't know how to respect herself and never will. She chooses to degrade herself at every turn. Brittney won't be a hijabi for the long term, because adhering to Islam will prove difficult and undesirable to who she is as a person. Brittney should try college and just buy a normal wardrobe. She never did corn, so that factors heavily in her favor. Gwen is just grifting for that social media money.

  13. They’re branding on "better woman" persona

    Good girl gone bad, bad girl gone good, bad woman becomes better woman.

    Could be real or trick.

    16:42 by this point they are damage controlling. It’s honestly interesting to see overly public beautiful tell their story.

  14. All the ladies seem to be genuine except for Brittney! That girl plays too much and I could never take her seriously. When she goes to therapy and actually makes real internal changes then may be.

  15. All for people living healthy lives! Many choices people make have bad impacts on their lives. What I’m not for is people changing the bad habits in their lives and also assuming other habits or beliefs that aren’t harmful are evil. You can get clean and not treat other people poorly because they are different.

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