احصل على تذاكرك للعرض المباشر: www.axs.com/uk/events/478648/cocktails-and-takeaways-tickets?skin=indigo تابعنا على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي تابع MJ على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي C&T – Chanel Boateng 00:00 – إعلان العرض المباشر!! 00:41 – المقدمة 1:03 – مقدمة الضيف 4:15 – الموضوعات الساخنة لهذا الأسبوع 46:48 – كلمة الأسبوع 01:02:14 – هل أنت ذكي؟ 01:13:59 – سؤال الأسبوع تابع CHANEL |موقع قفشات
احصل على تذاكرك للعرض المباشر: www.axs.com/uk/events/478648/cocktails-and-takeaways-tickets?skin=indigo تابعنا على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي تابع MJ على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي C&T – Chanel Boateng 00:00 – إعلان العرض المباشر!! 00:41 – المقدمة 1:03 – مقدمة الضيف 4:15 – الموضوعات الساخنة لهذا الأسبوع 46:48 – كلمة الأسبوع 01:02:14 – هل أنت ذكي؟ 01:13:59 – سؤال الأسبوع تابع CHANEL |موقع قفشات
23 تعليق
Get your tickets to the live show:
She is gorgeous!
Grazie Grace on your dash dovevo assolutamente guardarlo. È troppo forte.
You’ve got to give a content warning re Sex/Life, it’s very explicit for those who are sensitive to that kind of thing
We need licky licky on live show merch
Barefoot pink muscatoooooo
not milfy mommies

you need to get Cynthia mmasi and Jordan hersey on here
Church road you know
Madam Joyce, please the foundation and concealer, I am GLUEEEEEEEEDDDDDD to your SKIN! the bad girls and boys wanna be glowing like this!
The two queens together
my new favourite episode, i love chanel!
Being an adult, understanding Money,investments and bills have been the biggest adjustment. Love the conversation about celibacy and having that convo with your partner about your expectation in the bedroom' personally I dont think I could be celibate; a man should be able to check all the boxes before I walk down that aisle…
Joyce is hilarious Churchill Churchill I’m dead

. Love you Chanel keep glowing and growing you are such an inspiration to many 
Every time I play “Are You Smart?” and I think I would be the one to get 10 or at least 9.

Then again I know once I’m in front of Joyce, I’d crumble


Yeaaa that baphomet is so scary like what mental state do you have to be in to go to parlor and say I want high level dark energy to follow me
There’s not scripture about tattoos
“You can’t even spell garden” Joyce is such a barb
only Nicki fans got that
I went to a private school yr 7-11 and no they didn’t teach us about credit or finances :/. But really enjoyed the episode x