50 سنت يفضح جاي زي لكونه مثلي الجنس سراً مع ديدي في كشف مذهل أذهل عالم الهيب هوب، اتهم مغني الراب والممثل 50 سنت جاي زي بأنه مثلي الجنس سراً مع ديدي. لم يخش 50 سنت الصريح أبدًا التعبير عن رأيه، لكن هذا الادعاء الأخير أثار الدهشة وأثار نقاشًا حادًا عبر الإنترنت. وفقًا لـ 50 سنت، ظل نمط حياة جاي زي السري مع ديدي طي الكتمان لسنوات، لكن الحقيقة خرجت أخيرًا إلى النور. يزن المعجبون والنقاد على حد سواء هذا الادعاء المتفجر، ويتساءل الكثيرون كيف سيؤثر ذلك على سمعة جاي زي وإرثه في صناعة الموسيقى. شاهد الفيديو لمعرفة المزيد عن هذا الادعاء المروع، ولا تنس ترك أفكارك في التعليقات أدناه! 💜 إذا استمتعت بهذا الفيديو، فتأكد من ترك إعجاب وتعليق تخبرنا بما تعتقد! إذا كانت هوليوود وأحدث أخبار الترفيه من اهتماماتك، فعليك التأكد من الاشتراك في قناتنا! نحن لا ننشر أحدث الأخبار عن الدراما وفضائح المشاهير وقيل والقال عن المشاهير فحسب، بل نصنع أيضًا أخبارًا متعلقة بأفضل 10 مقاطع فيديو عن المشاهير المفضلين لديك: Trendy Vert تدور حول أكثر الأخبار رواجًا! تأكد من الاشتراك معنا لتبقى على اطلاع دائم بأخبار المشاهير المفضلين لديك بالإضافة إلى أي تحديثات حول أحدث دراما YouTube وTikTok! إخلاء المسؤولية: قد يكون المحتوى ثرثرة أو شائعات أو مبالغًا فيه أو غير مباشر بجانب الحقيقة. يُنصح المشاهد بإجراء بحث خاص به قبل تكوين رأيه. قد يكون المحتوى رأيًا. #50Cent #Diddy #JayZ #TrendyVert |موقع قفشات
41 تعليق
Who cares??!
Trashy AI generated bullshit
Hip hop died back in the 90s
King of rap?
GayZ and beyonce are the most disgusting celebrity couple blasphemers in all hollywood.
Diddy is a predator. End of discussion
I fucking love 50!!!
I knew Solange attacked that ass over sum kinda sexual misconduct, but didn't think it was behind a guy, but it makes sense they'll say Becky with the good hair to throw our dumb asses off, so Becky was really Bryan😂
It's creepy for a grown man to go to that extent to emulate someone. There's something seriously wrong with Jay-Z.
Basquiat was absolutely shit.
I never bought a Jay Z album. Not many people can say that. I didn't like him coming up and don't like him today. 💯
I'm old enough to remember him as Big Daddy Kane's hype boy.
<Pop smoke , Young thug, 2pac , lil Wayne, Migos, 50 cents>
Jay z gay now…
False idols society promotes polytheism
I knew jayz was gay he should just come out of the closet
JayZ and PDiddy is the biggest fake players. I will never understand how they got to where they are, I never respected and loved any of them, I never wanted to hear from them. they are not real. if they can't spend the money they made with their shitty music, at least don't humiliate themselves after their wealth. As 2pac said in his song, "Fake ass bitches!" This guys maked a lots of moneys from shit and
bs songs and cant stop. they are a fake s… im going to listening MOP or other real rap artists…
[I HOPE. MY BLACK SKIN. DONT DIRT THIS. WHITE TUXEDO…"] That's disgusting BROTHER. Never knew you were ashamed of being black.
As a gay man I can agree , Diddy is gay AF lol. As for GayZ ? He got sugar in the tank too no doubt.
Lol the day is 2/29/2024 ITS WILD RIGHT NOW FOR DIDDY
In the beginning of 2024 and the Diddy take down is in effect.
Let’s see what happens with others.
Erm no Pdiddy is a narcissist and dangerous to all those around him. To label the predatory and abusive behaviours as simply closet gay is offensive to gay people. He is a monster. Its not about love or lust for him its control over anyone he can get to. Disgusting evil. Dont trust anyone who he has got to. That includes Jay Z and your beloved Beyonce. Their daughter looks frightened 99 percent of the time.
Twisted. Everyone and everyone linked to Sean pdiddy Combs is distressed used abused murdered he is a psycho and all those linked to him cant be trusted
Im sorry.. the king of what????? Lmao 😂😂😂😂😂 NO!
So what if JayZ and Diddy ate gay… What's the big deal? They're humans still, they are allowed to feel emotions, they also deserve the love they have always wanted, nothing is wrong with being gay, nothing in entire existence of life is perfect, just let them embrace what they are.
''King of rap'' 😂😂😂
50 Cent is sexy as PHUCK. ❤
Why is someone's sexual preference and orientation such like some crazy conspiracy? Lol.
Kinda funny.
It's like lumped in there with UFOs and the illuminati.
I just hope he can be himself without fear.
Do you my brotha.
Where is the video…show the video don't want to here anybody talk about it
I love 50 cent but he seems obsessed with folks sexually. If Jean Basquiat was bi-sexual who cares. Basquiat’s paintings are some the most iconic and expensive in the world. Might be why JayZ has adopted his look. I wouldn’t be surprised if him and Queen Bey own a Basquiat or two. Sure would be a great investment.
That's why he and the Obamas are good friends, as well. They were invited to the WH all the time. Love and drugs.
The gay painter did not have influence on hip hop stfu
No way! Jay is not gay but Diddy is.
Who the h is Bee Yancy?
It is so sad
They’re all SICK!!!
Cap, she keep saying that the dude impacted the game but only names JayZ as anyone impressed.
50 is THE bone collector. He knows where the bodies are "buried". This is why SHdiddy won't step to him.
Why y’all think 5o knows so much though 🤔???
That is why Solange wants to beat up Jay Z. Now we know the truth. lmao Drug her sister and go out with men…hmm..