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36 تعليق

  1. I had read on IG both Rob and Tyga both saying Chyna only had her children 1 day a week ( during the week, no weekend's ) so she should be paying them child support !! I believe everything being said about her and I am happy the father's stepped up and are taking care/ spending most of the time with those innocent babies 😇 The children are both adorable !! 🥰

  2. Just to add to your commentary…there's a reason she isn't suing E network. She took a 100k kill fee for the show, has or had a new show come out, and like u said what damages. It's obvious she used Rob to have a child that would be apart of the Kar fam. Sad part she isn't even a part time mom and was trying to get child support. She has her son 1 day a wk and daughter 2 days a wk…she didn't want to be a mom she wanted that child support. When that didn't work she went this route. And I have no respect for someone who make the kind of money she does and hasn't paid taxes since 2017. I hope IRS get hers! Instead of trying to get free money work. Her and her mom need to get jobs and no no one wraps a chord around a neck for fun (unless in the br doing kinky stuff), and how is pointing a gun at someone's head funny. She is another Amber Heard imo. She is the abuser looking for money. Not saying Robs behavior was better just saying she is no better and so set him up.

  3. It was proven that Chyna didn't "beat the ish outta Rob", with facts. It was also proven that Rob beat Chyna up in front of King and ripped doors off of hinges to get to her and video evidence was shown to prove that. Oh and Blac Chyna won she just didn't win any monetary value.
    Oh and Chyna didn't pursue Rob, Rob pursued Chyna for a WHOLE YEAR AND BEGGED HER TO CONCIEVE DREAM. They even confirmed it on their show Rob And Chyna.
    Also there was a second season 70hrs of it. Even the morning after Rob Claimed he was beat in the face and his face was clear as day. #TEAMCHYNA.
    Oh and you're not gonna talk about how the Kar/Jenners trademarked dreams name behind her back huh? Biased as hell.

  4. if you ever watched their TV show the proof is in the pudding, we all watched her scream and yell at him and put him down over the smallest little things just because she was irritated. I never once watched Rob freak out unprovoked and I could see her abusing him over him abusing her any day just knowing her personality. her and her mother are so wrong for this in general they have abused so many people even on camera and yet they still try to act like the victim. when I was a teenager I had a friend hold a gun to my head jokingly and it was terrifying even though I knew he wasn't going to hurt me still feeling a metal gun being held to your head is terrifying no matter who is holding it. why is it that she continues to try to play off her abuse as if it was all a joke, so if Rob did any of that to her and turned around and said "I'm just joking" she's going to try and tell me that she would laugh and not take it seriously? Chyna was just caught on video abusing a woman a random woman! She has been called out for abusing her friends her hair stylist etc.

    at this point I can only guess that people in her circle are the only ones who believe her side of the story….and only because she threatened them to believe it.

  5. She was so crazy on the show and I think the 2nd season wasn't renewed it because of how crazy. I don't know how much this information is true, but I heard Tyga has custody of his son and Rob has custody of Dream

  6. I agree with everything you've said. I will never be convinced that their relationship was organic and she loved him. It was all about revenge and getting a come up. She has a Kardashian baby and will forever be tied to him, his family and their MONEY. I'm not really a Kar-Jenner fan. I watched out of curiosity because I don't know anyone who lives such a crazy lifestyle as them. But what she did was wrong and I'm sorry he was hurt. I remember her putting her foot on the scales when he was weighing in once and he couldn't understand why he had gained weight. I recently lost some weight and feel better about myself and I know just how he feels. And who in their RIGHT mind would EVER put a damn gun to someone's head???

  7. I thought it was nuts that she was asking for child support from both baby daddy's when she literally has the oldest kid 1 day per week, and the girl only 2 days per week. How do you even call yourself a mother?

    Didn't he testify that she told him she was disgusted to have sex with his fat ass? She has a sick way of joking. It's no wonder Chyna is the way she is, just look how her mom is.

  8. Who decides which trials are televised? This one would have been crazy to watch. Too bad it wasn't televised.
    Apparently Kilees show took the place of the 2nd season of Rob and Chyna. Idk why Chyna was so surprised that the family didn't like her. She is crazy. Has nothing to do with her being black. (Just want to put that out there)

  9. For some reason China thinks she had a show even without them being together. All it showed was her anger issues along with her Mother they are volatile together. Really seemed like she was using him for money .

  10. I'm glad she lost in a way because obviously she didn't watch her own show it was a hot mess and a giant cluster you know what!!! … She just needs to just go do her own thing will she prove that she can be a success on her own and stop trying to go after free money or what she assumes will be free money … She has enough drive she can do it on her own 🤔💯🤔

  11. How many times does someone have to be told you don't point a gun at someone unless it's to defend your life. Loaded or unloaded you just don't do that! People have been shot by the police for pointing an unloaded or toy gun. It's crazy, she's crazy! I think you're right that she planned getting together with him to get to Kylie and he was an easy target.

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