**بسبب مشكلات حقوق النشر، اضطررت إلى قطع أجزاء من الفيديو، ولهذا السبب لا ترى إلا عندما أتحدث في النصف الثاني من رد الفعل. سيكون الأمر منطقيًا عندما تشاهد الفيديو، شكرًا لك على المشاهدة!!** البضائع: قناة التدوين بالفيديو/الألعاب: اشترك إذا كنت جديدًا: البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بالعمل: officialashleyperkins@gmail.com الشياطين (الأرواح) تترك جسد بلاك شينا أثناء معموديتها! | Perkyy قناة Perkyy وHoneeybee: تابعني حتى أعرف أنها حقيقية!! 👇🏽 » Instagram: » Snapchat: » TikTok: » Discord: » Facebook: “النساء مثلك لا يحدثن كثيرًا، لا تنسَ أبدًا مدى ندرتك” – rh Sin حول Perkyy مرحبًا بكم جميعًا إنه Perkyy! مرحبًا بكم في قناتي على YouTube! سترى الكثير من ردود الفعل، بما في ذلك آرائي ووجهات نظري حول مقاطع الفيديو التي أشاهدها. سننمو معًا وأود فقط أن أشيد بالرب الأعظم يهوه ويهوشع المسيح على نعمة هذه المنصة. وأود أيضًا أن أشكر كل واحد منكم الذي سيكون جزءًا من هذه الرحلة! نحن على الطريق نحو مليون مشترك، لقد قطعنا نصف الطريق!! |موقع قفشات


50 تعليق

  1. I love you Perkyy. You have definitely planted a seed in my soul and I’m sure others. So thank you for that. Stayed blessed and come back to YouTube pleaseeee Yah willing (I don’t have ticktock ugh)

  2. The sound of the demons was the video in slow motion. There is even a time when the preacher was talking and it sounded like the same voice alternation. I would have believed her if she just said it was inside her body, but to say the recording did it, I don’t know.

  3. Nothing new and different to see here. She just reinventing herself. She's gone from character Blac Chyna to Angela White(White Angel). #dualism

    I mean she hasn't been relevant since the Kardashians if you think about it and this is how she wants to come back into the LIGHT! It seems to be working because She's fooling alot of people with this new "persona", especially females for some reason. Maybe she's been choosen to influence woman and my guess is that along the way shes going to start doing and saying some questionable things like… "there are demons flying out her mouth"

  4. 😇I will never forget the way Blac Chyna promoted the Vaccine, JESUS was really working through her to save lives at that time. And now she is baptized, Im so thankful she now is even closer to OUR LORD JESUS !!

  5. Yall know someone can get baptized and don't believe in the lord Jesus christ. I'm not saying that she's not changing but I'm not going to make a big deal out of it. If it's was that easy I guess I'm doing something really wrong

  6. Honestly i start to feel like these people get what they want from the devil an turn there back on god but when they reach as far as they wanted they want to be saved alot of the time. But if god made this happen god bless.

  7. 17 This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

    18 And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him. 19 For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. 20 So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” 21 For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ." NLT Bible, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, ALL OF THE GLORY BELONGS TO THE LORD OUR GOD.

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