كشفت كلوي كارداشيان عن تفاصيل الدعوى القضائية التي رفعتها بلاك شاينا ضد عائلتها. في الإعلان التشويقي للموسم الثاني من مسلسل The Kardashians، تكشف مؤسسة Good American عن سبب خوفها من المعركة القانونية ضد زوجة شقيقها السابق روب كارداشيان. في أبريل/نيسان الماضي، ذهبت العائلة للمحاكمة بعد ما يقرب من خمس سنوات من رفع شاينا دعوى قضائية ضدهم بمبلغ 100 مليون دولار، حيث ادعت أن العائلة خططت لإلغاء برنامج الواقع الخاص بها “Rob & Chyna” على قناة E! بعد موسم واحد كشكل من أشكال “الانتقام” لترك روب. بعد أسبوعين، قررت هيئة المحلفين عدم منح العارضة أي تعويضات مالية. سيبدأ عرض الموسم الثاني من مسلسل The Kardashians في 22 سبتمبر/أيلول على Hulu. |موقع قفشات


34 تعليق

  1. It wasn’t healthy for Rob at all! He was at his worst during that show. Glad it got cancelled and I think rob is glad to some day when he will look back. He is the only normal one of that family looking back. He protect his daughter like no other! His dad would be proud of him!

  2. That Ho was only never coming from a good place. She was only using Rob and his family for the money and fame. Can't believe she thought she'd have a chance to win the case! 😆 Best of luck to Rob and his daughter Dream for their future 💙💜

  3. The expert bitches that get shit done ✔️
    They could lose it all & get it right back – but the more negative energy has made them richer.
    Probably would be more challenging if it were true.

  4. Poor rob Kim just trashed him all the time on kuwk and Chris made it worse for being ashamed of her son who had a weight problem .then they used china by offering her and Rob a series which didn't work out but even in the mix with Rob's young daughter they are all still slamming Chyna but have no consideration for a niece and granddaughter.dream has to grow up and see all that.

  5. I think the Kardashians need to be sued they're being protected they paid the judge off apparently this is just ridiculous you can't error information about a court hearing or suing anyone which was your brothers baby mama you're exposed her yeah I owe her I hope she sees your asses again through a different judge. The black people going to get tired of these Kardashians sooner and later 🤔

  6. They want to show everything on camera but not the court case. Then they should shut up and not talk about the outcome then. looks like those court cams will show over injected faces and bodies 😆😆

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