#MaryJaneTVCreation انضم إلى قناة جديدة Cashapp $Maryjanetv Black Chyna Gets Called Out 4 Fornicating While Save-Angela White Responds 2 Her Mother’s Disrespect *إخلاء المسؤولية عن حقوق الطبع والنشر بموجب القسم 107 من قانون حقوق الطبع والنشر لعام 1976، يُسمح بـ “الاستخدام العادل” لأغراض مثل النقد والتعليق والتقارير الإخبارية والتدريس والمنح الدراسية والبحث. الاستخدام العادل هو استخدام مسموح به بموجب قانون حقوق الطبع والنشر والذي قد يكون منتهكًا بخلاف ذلك. يميل الاستخدام غير الهادف للربح أو التعليمي أو الشخصي الميزان لصالح الاستخدام العادل. لا يقصد انتهاك حقوق الطبع والنشر. جميع الحقوق مملوكة لأصحابها* |موقع قفشات


32 تعليق

  1. If she is really born again eventually she will not feel comfortable fornicating, but that timing is between her and God. We all sin in different ways and struggle with things that don't only have to do with sex. The fact that she is seeking a relationship with the creator is a plus.

  2. I looked up that school and all you need is a high school diploma and $10k. I went to school 8 years to get my masters degree and it cost way more than that. But I hope she is honest because God knows your heart.

  3. People in Hollywood would NOT claim salvation as a PR stunt. That is the MAIN thing that will get you canceled in satan's den. Praise God for showing this woman the light!!! Salvation and the conviction of the Holy Spirit works in each individual differently, she will realize the sin of fornication, and repent in time. It's a process!! ❤

  4. >Timeline Explaining 3 Days & Nights – Easter / Passover< on Tomorrow’s World channel and >HISTORY OF EASTER: IS IT A PAGAN HOLIDAY?< on Truthunedited channel. One of Satan’s greatest deceptions is coming up shortly and many aren’t aware, and most of those MANY are in the church world! None of us should be watching Angela White, we all should be getting our own spiritual houses in order! Time is winding down for all of us! Be blessed everyone!

  5. True turning ur life over to Almighty God means refraining from sin its our job to help help each other to not sin We are not suppose to judge point fingers or make a person feel less than who they are When she was asked do she abstain fr sex she told the truth Almighty God is always working on us we can not do it by ourselves

  6. Her mother is not the Judge. Judge thee not for he himself shall be judged. She want to keep Angela under her control. It takes time to abstain. Keep praying to overcome bad behaviors ❤️

  7. Hey M.J. I'm rooting for China. It takes baby steps. At least she's trying. I think God my mother wasn't toxic. It's hard to believe there are mothers out there that actually behave that way.

  8. Happy for Angela. God is working on her. She’s a work I’m progress. When I gave my life to Christ I still smoked and drank. I kept showing up , praying and God delivered me. I understand it. God bless you Angela!

  9. Her mother is soooo toxic, it's sickening because this is what Angela had to look up to growing up? She's working on herself, and that doesn't happen overnight. She'll be just fine ❤

  10. She's not SAVED. She's been taught Into FALSE TEACHING… Bible College does not make PREACHERS.. GOD has too give you the spirit to preach. And women are nor allow to PREACH anyway, the Bible say so…

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