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46 تعليق
You are absolutely beautiful without all of that! I am so very proud of you for being so transparent! You are God’s beautiful creation and thank you for recognizing who you truly are! God bless you. Smooches.
Natural beauty, she look so much better
I didn't know she was a rapper
Love you and your Mom , I would love to hear A Gospel song from you and your Mom .
Miss Angela you are an inspiration I love you girl my sister in Christ
Soooooo much better now!!!!
She looked evil.
She’s so pretty
There is nothing like a daughter and mother love i'm so happy for them
You are so beautiful you should have never done that surgey. You are beautiful before you did all that.
So pretty! Natural!
Just Botox you reckon
come off it stop trying to be relevant…
Looking good keep up the good work very pretty.
Cheers to mending your relationship with your mother & your new and improved journey ahead

That's her one and only baby love the tattoo
She looks so much better. These women need to stay more natural because they all look the same. But she is beautiful.
Thank GOD!!!!!
So gorgeous I love this angela woman! What a beautiful spirit.

Awe, So Good to hear they have made up, Mother and Daughter relationship is very important!!
So happy mother and daughter are mending their relationship. Angela looks radiant!

She is so pretty more natural

The "degree" she show on IG is just a piece of paper.
If you look at what "school" it's from and Google it.
You'll uncover the school symbol is not the same thing on the "degree" and it should be.
Google Street view of this so called school.
Shows that it's on a little strip mall and there's no school.
The list goes on and if you think that Chyna doesn't know I'm sure that she does.
This whole change is
she loooks so much happier and prettier
I truly admire you.
Yess that’s what we been saying sis your gorgeous without all that crap
Angela you look so much better younger and just glowing you are beautiful

This compilation video is so blurry or filtered, it is hard to see how she looks…
She looks the same–and she still hasn't changed. I'm STILL seeing product in her face and lips. Also, why is she using a filter for this?
ugliness inside out because all she offers is vulgrity

Now she needs to change her vocabulary and stop saying “like” every other word
Kardashians can never hahaha. You go gurl!!
I'm so happy that she's doing better. She seems so much happier. You go, sis!
Oh men the tattoo over here heart goosebumps ♥️
Why on earth would she put that nonsense in her face when she looks so beautiful now. She looks way better
She is so beautiful now. Sooo beautiful. I agree with her, that face was crazy before lol
She looks a lot better now…glad to see squash her beef with moma dukes most of all…that's a must because you only get one in this lifetime…I know I miss mine..
The mother…what a mess.
Now if they can .Somebody call Iyanla for the Royals..
Rapper? Okay.
I’m so thrilled for Angela.

Put some respect on my name, let me introduce myself, I'm "Anglia and I'm beautiful just the way I am," "Yeah, Black self love,"
She looks so much better! To bad the Kartrashians don't follow!
She is not a rapper. She was a stripper
Happy Birthday your don’t need that surgery