يتم نشر مقاطع الفيديو كل يوم! أحبكم جميعًا! القناة الرئيسية: تابعوا حساباتي على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي 👇🏽 Instagram: Twitter: Snapchat: njacob0201 أنا أقدر حقًا كل الدعم من كل فرد من أفراد الأسرة! أحبكم يا رفاق! |موقع قفشات


50 تعليق

  1. She is STILL apart of the agenda. she got baptized back in 2022. She only started "movin in the right direction" AFTER her mom called her out about serving the Devil and being a potential sacrifice. She's showing face, and putting on a show to distract from what is really going on. Do NOT be fooled by this.

  2. I bet most of us didn't know that tons of men and yes, even black men have loads of fillers, botox etc and are one of the highest percentage of clients that you don't hear about…yep

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