يتم نشر مقاطع الفيديو كل يوم! أحبكم جميعًا! القناة الرئيسية: تابعوا حساباتي على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي Instagram: Twitter: Snapchat: njacob0201 أنا أقدر حقًا كل الدعم من كل فرد من أفراد الأسرة! أحبكم يا رفاق! |موقع قفشات
She is STILL apart of the agenda. she got baptized back in 2022. She only started "movin in the right direction" AFTER her mom called her out about serving the Devil and being a potential sacrifice. She's showing face, and putting on a show to distract from what is really going on. Do NOT be fooled by this.
She thought she'll find happiness until she was like nha let me be me. I'm glad really it's one of the celebs doing this. Holly Holly Hollycrap to that damn Hollywood.
Basically what she's telling y'all is that the value of a woman is not in the fullness of her face but the fullness of her heart. Let the Lord define your beauty and not man.
I bet most of us didn't know that tons of men and yes, even black men have loads of fillers, botox etc and are one of the highest percentage of clients that you don't hear about…yep
I hate to say this but I think the celebrities are now getting paid to remove injections and start talking “spiritual “. There is an inflation of celebrities “ going on a spiritual journey “ these days
50 تعليق
Now she looks more beautiful
Noah, your face
She’s purifying herself, beautiful
I almost past out watching this.
She is STILL apart of the agenda. she got baptized back in 2022. She only started "movin in the right direction" AFTER her mom called her out about serving the Devil and being a potential sacrifice. She's showing face, and putting on a show to distract from what is really going on. Do NOT be fooled by this.
I happy for her!
God is doing works from her i just hope she let everyone know who is God is
Oh my God let me stay the way i was born this is so painful to experience
Your facial expressions @6:30 I was now looking at you hollering
She thought she'll find happiness until she was like nha let me be me. I'm glad really it's one of the celebs doing this. Holly Holly Hollycrap to that damn Hollywood.
Black women never needed this mess it’s not for us
GLORY TO GOD for her coming back! JESUS bless her!

Noah I can't deal with your faces tho
she was moving that needle too murch 
She ok
Sometimes in life when you try to please folks, the pain is under estimated.
Basically what she's telling y'all is that the value of a woman is not in the fullness of her face but the fullness of her heart. Let the Lord define your beauty and not man.
I’m so proud of her
. Natural beauty is the best no matter what 
Noah needs to react to the Forbes interview
Can't watch needles thoue this I can't do needles scare me
I'm never getting anything done all natural
This is so real I love how she is just so happy to just be her self so proud of her you go girl love the woman that is you.

I bet most of us didn't know that tons of men and yes, even black men have loads of fillers, botox etc and are one of the highest percentage of clients that you don't hear about…yep
I remember Amrezy (Amra Oleivic) saying her cheek filler has migrated around her face. One cheek sits slightly higher as a result
the trend for natural beauty is in for 2023
She’s moving the needle around and injecting it everywhere to break down the filler, then they suck it out or your body pushes it out through ur pores
Weird, Kim first got rid of All her fake butt implants and decided to be skinny, then khloe now China? Is it the new trend?
She's naturally beautiful, as we can still see! Glad she chose to share! Thankfully, she has NO permanent damage…
She has high check bone and jawline she never need these fillers
I hate to say this but I think the celebrities are now getting paid to remove injections and start talking “spiritual “. There is an inflation of celebrities “ going on a spiritual journey “ these days
I love how polite she is
Her mom was crying and afraid to be sacrificed and feared for her granddaughter she knows the industry is satanic and her tears were authentic !!!!
I'm so proud of her… I think her face structure was beautiful without all of that! Like gurl!

Safe Journey Go Forth
She sound like she bout to cry
She going back 2 her True SELF
I Applaud her Journey
She Tired! Get back out of Character
She woke UP! Praise GOD
She don't even look good with the fillers better she didn't even Don that in the first place
How it's being removed when she injection something in it instead of pulling the fillers out of her?
Appreciate the way God made you beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Yes keep wit GOD gave u boo boo@
I think she's waking up
hehehe .. God Made you the way you should be. we are all Perfect in His Divine Eyes! Stay Blessed and Naturally Beautiful !
All these I'm going to get u sucka women
She never really needed that mess in her young face anyway