طوكيو توني تتحدث عن زيارة ويندي ويليامز لبلايك شاينا، وديدي وآي لوميناتي، وشبكة زيوس وإرث كارداشيان انضم إلى هذه القناة للحصول على حق الوصول إلى الامتيازات: —– تبرع لصالح REALLYFE PRODUCTIONS CashApp $RealLyfeProductions اشترك في Patreon للحصول على محتوى حصري تحقق من متجرنا عبر الإنترنت !!! اشترك للحصول على مقابلات جديدة (والمزيد) أسبوعيًا: تابعنا على Soundcloud: iTunes: تابعنا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok: Soundcloud: جهة الاتصال: البريد الإلكتروني: mail@reallyfeproductions.com الهاتف: 469-805-3991 (رسالة نصية) العلامات: #ReallyfeStreetStarz #tokyotoni #rickross |موقع قفشات
طوكيو توني تتحدث عن زيارة ويندي ويليامز لبلايك شاينا، وديدي وآي لوميناتي، وشبكة زيوس وإرث كارداشيان انضم إلى هذه القناة للحصول على حق الوصول إلى الامتيازات: —– تبرع لصالح REALLYFE PRODUCTIONS CashApp $RealLyfeProductions اشترك في Patreon للحصول على محتوى حصري تحقق من متجرنا عبر الإنترنت !!! اشترك للحصول على مقابلات جديدة (والمزيد) أسبوعيًا: تابعنا على Soundcloud: iTunes: تابعنا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok: Soundcloud: جهة الاتصال: البريد الإلكتروني: mail@reallyfeproductions.com الهاتف: 469-805-3991 (رسالة نصية) العلامات: #ReallyfeStreetStarz #tokyotoni #rickross |موقع قفشات
37 تعليق
Tia is not even funny. She’s a woman scorned by a rich man who pumped and dumped her the second time around and it’s only the goofies who share her same energy who are laughing at her pain. I agree with Tokyo Toni, although she’s a hypocrite and in the same boat as Tia, and the clown show never was cute.
I like that she is out spoken but I couldn’t be friends with her she gives me snake
Love Tokyo interviews she was a baddie in the 80’s
She speaks the truth but rarely follow it
She’s the biggest clown! Just say you’re a hater and take a nap.
Lost souls are on deck….
That Rat isn't funny and she a disgrace. Tia is the worst kind of person
Says the biggest clown on the internet

She a clown she hating she had an opportunity way before tia even if tia falls off today shes done more than tony who has done absolutely nothing but rub her butt on rappers or do some other h** shhh
She need to get her teeth fixed lol yuck mouth

Tia definitely doesn’t have “branches”.
Did she say clown???
This gap tooth Big mouth hater I'm don't like dope head females. The hate is real this lady is a whole clown.
She's not the best mother but she is a beautiful woman especially for her age
Toni is my favorite auntie karlissa thinks too highly of her self cuz she blue face and kali mom like mam your son is trash and can’t rap and people don’t even know your daughter like that and Tia is annoying asf and extremely immature for her age like it’s not funny it’s not cute it’s sad to see a grown ass women behave that way and carry herself that way
That mouth is black on the inside
This lady is so pretty, but her mouth needs work….it takes away from her beauty.
Tia was always cute!!! Toke should take her own advice….
And now they on a podcast together and Tia smoking on Netta still

The carrots

She needs her teeth fixed before giving any more advice.
Now they on a show together

but y'all over here calling her deep 

Its only a short number of comedy folks that get big checks. Maybe she dont want no comdian check if it anit shit no way…so not her ..but herrrrr. Who should get that clown check tho lol haaaa.
Her mouth…looks…nevermind
Broke It Way Down

Now all the demons activated because they’ve been rebuked !!! RIP Sonya And Vee Keep Holding It Down For Your BFF!
She might be a little harsh . But I love Tokyo Toni
Damn you got all that money and can't get your teeth fixed
Why would she think her scalp is that dark. She smoking the inside of her mouth black and she doesn’t have good oral care. She got a couple bands to start on dents care and won’t do it. I can’t stand lazy women