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41 تعليق

  1. snake don't have emotions😂
    bro let me enlighten you. just to protect there egg a cobra sits on there nest until the egg hatches no matter strom or raining without eating food which can goes up to 2 months. they even have to leave before egg about to hatch because there were so hungry that they could have eaten there own child so they understand and leave before hatching.
    so they are very heavy on emotions.. i am not a snake lover or animal lover or whatever terminalogy people use for it. but animals or even insect are very emotional creature more emotional then human beings. so yeah that was fun fact

  2. 15:00 FYI Reptiles DO have the mental comprehension to understand they're in a cage and in captivity. They also have emotions. Both of those things are urban myths generally used to propogate the business of breeding and selling them as pets that can be sold as requiring 'less' than others. None of it is true. They do comprehend they're in captivity and it's seen in their behaviours, reactions and adaptations to it. There's also a lot of studies showing they have emotions, feelings and thoughts like any other living being.

    Secondly, Goldfish have memories. The idea they don't is another myth propagated for the same reasons as above, as a way to breed and sell them as some sort of 'lesser' Animal that can be kept in horrible conditions (Such as a fishbowl) and so on. Goldfish actually have very good memories, and research shows they are as intelligent and feeling as any other creature, as are all Fish, Reptiles and so forth. The strange distinctions made by Humans as to how incapable other creatures are, are arbitrary and rarely if ever hold up to scrutiny.

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