
46 تعليق

  1. Is not christianity lost?

    Is not Islam the truth, which you bomb and wanna get rid

    Your bishops say it, the most persecuted are the God chosen. So statistically they are muslims

    Is not your western society a true representation of failure

    Is not the message of God clear .. ??

    How else do you want to get it? Do the God come to you with a plate in hands? Dont be the lame loser.

    God will also throw you to the hellfire and ignore, if you will keep ignoring it all till your death arrives ..

  2. Well, sadly they are in the epicenter of an industry that suggests to them their only value is as a piece of a$$. They are easily replaced by the fact that every day thousands of women will turn 18, next…..

  3. we don't have a porn problem in the US we have a mental health problem. Our culture is not empathetic and more "sucks to be you" so sad they all had family and friends and were not just a product.

  4. Tragically it doesn't pay to be a pornstar they didn't deserve what happened to them. People may not see them as humans but they are very much humans as everyone else. Even for those that want to change their lives for the better many times they are denied that…..We can only hope and pray that many more young ladies do not fall for this trap of selling their bodies. 💔

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