تشارك أليكس فيني آخر المستجدات عن عمتها وتناقش الأسباب “المعقدة” وراء رغبة ويليامز في توثيق صراعاتها مع الكاميرات للفيلم الوثائقي الجديد “أين ويندي ويليامز؟” اشترك في قناتنا على YouTube: المزيد من “THE VIEW”: الحلقات الكاملة: تويتر: فيسبوك: انستجرام: |موقع قفشات
تشارك أليكس فيني آخر المستجدات عن عمتها وتناقش الأسباب “المعقدة” وراء رغبة ويليامز في توثيق صراعاتها مع الكاميرات للفيلم الوثائقي الجديد “أين ويندي ويليامز؟” اشترك في قناتنا على YouTube: المزيد من “THE VIEW”: الحلقات الكاملة: تويتر: فيسبوك: انستجرام: |موقع قفشات
42 تعليق
Jesus is the answer for the world today
Believe it or not, this has nothing to do with her drinking alcohol which she did to deal with the impact of her being used as a guinea pig for mind control experiments! Many exoeriments going on in America right now with ELF waves mind control frequencies and they really come down hard on some celebrities! It is why indecency now rules! I think she's in the state that she's in because she is being used as a guinea pig for these MK Ultra mind control experiment and it would be very nice of you to investigate this and help shut it down!!! . I can tell by her eyes unfortunately, look up "Dr Leuren Moret Wireless weapons used on people", "Satellite terrorism interview Dr John Hall" and "Ex CIA Dr Robert Duncan and Tyrone Dew, directed energy weapons", also google "V2K electronic harassment" under 'images' and also this documentary : "No chip required. DNA bio-resonant frequency links targeted individual to mind control". Please help! God sees everything dears.. And you will be held accountable for this if you don't say a word!
The niece nobody heard about till today she’s just trying to cash in on her aunt let’s be real !
Is it just me or does that girl look like wendy the 1 in blue dno her name sorry
miss back in 2000s where oprah, tyra , wendy , talk about controversial issues and real interviews. Wendy was the last real talk show , she was not scard to ask the real questions , now all the talk shows are just corp and fake all the host want to do is be friends and all Hollywood with the guest. when Wendy was not friends with anybody and diddnt care to be, now all talk host on TV are A@@ kissers
Much love to Ms Wendy Williams

Take Wendy Williams to church she can be delivered. The sickness is medical manipulation but God has the final say.
My heart goes out to Wendy Williams God got her in his bossum Wendy love you I had addiction issues crack cocaine and liquor and weed be damned for me praying for you Wendy God bless
Never knew alex was wndy's niece shes our new lady here in miami for channel 10
She's got spiritual attachments and needs spiritual help addictions are spiritual attachments. Hopefully, someone gets her the help she needs. Doctors can't fix this type of situation She's got going on its easy to see
Wendy's niece should be a guest host on the view!
Best wishes to Wendy! I hope she gets better!
Don't worry, once all the money's gone.She'll be back in the family…
The manner of this interview let's me know they respect her as a journalist. That's cool to see.
No fr it’s more than alcohol
I wonder if the guardianship is against her family? No ill-will, I wonder what information was given to decide on the guardianship
I miss Wendy
the best talk show ever 
I hope she is getting the speech therapy to help treat the Aphasia.
Photos of wendy williams medication should be sent to her family for examination to determine side effects. It may show wendys current health issues were caused by her medications
This is no different than CPS and Foster Care… It’s horrific. Majority of the children taken are put through far worse abuse once the government steps in. Why? “Be$t Intere$t of the child.” So many people rely on “legally” kidnapped kids to pay their bills.
Theyre ALL doing these shows and making money. Family doesn't go public except maybe on legit news but never on private issues EVER
Praying for Wendy
What the name of the documantsry
I feel so bad for her. She went through so many problems all at once. As we can see it has definitely taken it's toll on her. I'm a recovering addict. I've been clean for 2 yrs & 7 months. So, I do know what she's going through. I truly hope she gets the help she so desperately needs. After hearing what Whoopie said at the end of the show just broke my heart
Wendy has the same illness as Bruce Willis. If it's not one thing it's another. Bless her heart. She needs to be around her family & focus on her health. 
Praying for Wendy, Kevin Jr & the family
I don't remember her but I always heard Wendy Williams Talk about her Brother Tommy and her Sister Wanda. And her mom and dad appeared on the show a few times. I think her mom name is Shelly or Shirley if I'm not correct. Mistaken or Cheryl. I don't know. I can't remember. Wendy Williams has been off the air for a few years now. Also, I've been working and have my own life so I forget a lot of The Wendy Williams Show. But I was a Wendy watcher watched everyday after school. Now I'm going to college next semester. I used to look forward to coming home and watching Wendy Williams. Will forever be a Wendy watcher.
Keeping the Williams family in my prayers.
This is a big poblem we all find out in the end
God I love Wendy. Praying for her to just have a relaxing rest of her life with the people who truly love her.
They need to take this back to court ASAP. Free Wendy Williams you cannot cut her off her family that’s not human. I am sure you have Lawyers that can take on the case for free. This is sad and ridiculous. My heart goes out to Wendy

This seems to be a case of High Profile Kidnapping.
It is so sad to see what happened to Wendy. I agree with her niece that the pandemic, her divorce, and the death of her mother really took a toll on her. I pray that she will get a lot better.
I commented, then heard her diagnosis. It is total nonsense that a judge kept her from her family. I will assume when she becomes totally broke she will then be returned to her family. How . . . . . . . ?
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Look it up.
They wouldn’t be bothered if she didn’t have money. This narrative is making me furious.
American Greed. We need to put things in place to block now to block strangers. SMH
Addiction is hard. I can't imagine having money and yes men around me. I wouldn't be sober today if I had.
The inside Wendy is crying out to her family help. Guardianship need to be cancelled.
Really sad what’s happening to Wendy
love and prayers to her and her family
This entire show is evil and against the God of Israel! God, show them the light that they may turn to you!
Let Wendy go back to her family
Does Diddy bank with Wells Fargo? I'm asking for a friend. My sincere prayers for Wendy and for those who love her.