►اشترك في Hollywood Unlocked: ►الموقع الإلكتروني: Hollywood Unlocked عبارة عن منصة وسائط متعددة تتبنى نهجًا متعدد الثقافات لكشف أسرار هوليوود. من خلال الاستفادة من علاقات جيسون لي الوثيقة بالمشاهير والمؤثرين على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، أصبحت Hollywood Unlocked مصدرًا قويًا للمعلومات! ابحث عن Hollywood Unlocked هنا: فيسبوك: تويتر: إنستغرام: |موقع قفشات


42 تعليق

  1. Shaun King is an asset to the Black community and puts a spotlight on Black injustice at the expense of constant attacks like "Talcum X" which originated on White racist media. Jason Lee is a malignant cancer on Black culture and should be cancelled.

  2. Regardless if tyga likes trans woman is not our business but blac chyna should be ashamed of her self outing him like that on Twitter and using the trans community as game to cause harm to tyga.

  3. I agree! My fiancée is worried about going to Mexico like Cancun and i made the point we could get killed here like getting shot or stabbed probably 10 times easier then getting kidnapped in Cancun!! Scary world!! Lets all pray for our world!

  4. This is horrible, y'all are NOT fact checking anything. What happened to discernment and objectivity. I've followed Shaun for years, he's been transparent about everything. He is not making the money you think he is. Y'all bloggers are simply badgering him, that's why you're blocked. That Tamir Rice situation has been dealt with.

  5. They didn’t find the bodies until they started cleaning up!? Wtf when shootings like that happen the FBI comes the CIA , SWAT wtf! They tape off everything call in ballistics ! How sway?!

  6. The "friends" that knew he had a gun n got up n left didn't warn anybody about it! They didn't even tell the other friends that died the dude had a gun…they just left smh they are not friends. They should be heal accountable as well as the shooter.

  7. I think one should keep quiet until one get all the facts! Sean has done great things for the community . And Why are you so vile and this is the last I will visit this show. What you put out will come back every time, Universal law!!!!

  8. Calm down Damage. How much times you gonna say the same thing about the people saying they gonna report him?? We get it. They were wrong….just like he is wrong. it is what it is.,

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