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16 تعليق

  1. Whatever. Time will tell. The fact of the matter is that a person can change from any behavior that they have begun to think is deleterious to themselves or family or even society. What many of us don't seem to understand is that you don't need a god nor religion to do that! Every person has the capacity to change

  2. Yeah that life will try to keep you over there unless it serves the purpose! Like look at the flood of liberals coming on new channels on here promoting nicey topics to monopolize on decent subscriptions?
    One wording "be ye as cunning as the serpent yet as gentle as the dove!
    Know the truth and the truth shall set you free!

  3. As always you ladies are non biased and straight down the road and I appreciate your takes and input a various topics. Wow this one is tough for a variety of reasons. If this woman is being honest and truthful trying to get her life together I do commend her on the effort because it is not easy. You ladies were 100% right when you talked about how she has to own it and take everything that comes with it head on. As an extremely popular person and influencer, she owes it to her followers to be truthful and try to help other women understand how destructive of a path she took and the consequences of her actions. To quote Uncle Ben from Spider-Man "with great power comes great responsibility." Us as adults think we have control over most things in our lives and we make the best decisions possible in hopes that we can live our best lives. The problem with that is when children are involved and how we have to think for them, lead and guide them down an appropriate path. This situation is very unfortunate for the kids. As we all know kids have no filter whatsoever and can be very mean and disrespectful to their peers and some adults. I understand she's trying to get her life together but the kids hers come in contact with will not care and that's the unfortunate reality of it all. It really is unfair but some actions have greater consequences than others. While I hope she stays on her road of redemption, she made her choices in life so it is what it is. I just hope and pray those kids get through life with the least amount of resistance and damage cause at the end of the day they were innocent, unaware, and don't deserve the hand life has dealt them. At this point, it's all about them and their well being.

  4. I commend Angela on her change. Seeing is believing and she is showing. She is also a very attractive woman. She doesn't have that ratchet hood look. Very well spoken also. Those Khartrasians need to shut up, color and be quiet! People can change…money isn't everything. It's people that go to church every week and haven't made any change. It's nice to see a Black woman returning from the dark side. The force is strong in this one.
    Also, I like that you ladies talk about our troubled black community, I have no issue with it. Keep it up ladies.

  5. 💢💐She's on a spiritual journey, & I hope, wishing her the best, "True Repentance" is fulfilled, before "TheeMostHigh"ALl-MighTy"!; "For the matter of "LIFE"!!! Eternally is no joke, & So Many Is Truly, Taken It For Granted, even among those who claim to truly believe, In The Real True"BLOOD" Of "ChristJesus" Salvation!!!💐💢

  6. The bible says love believes all things. So we believe her until she goes back on her own word and testimony. If she don't go back, then we are supposed to see her as a sister in the Lord. Hey ladies, I have been watching lots and lots of back people finding history and facts they never ever knew before. Where as Dr. Thomas Sowell has always been known and love by White people, Black people say they never even heard of him before today. Dr. Thomas Sowell's talks and debates have been on TV for decades. Free for anyone to watch , so White people did and learned from him. So if you are learning facts about the world from a conservative perspective while being on Youtube, It's great to hear how you connect the dots with the research you do. (Oh Danielle thanks so much for making sure Kara don't smile. It really does help the show. LOL.)

  7. Thanks for another intriguing topic ladies! Angela has made a positive lifestyle change, and it appears to be genuine. It's refreshing to see a celebrity who has been vocal about relinquishing the lifestyle of the demonic industry that they emerged from (Hollyweird). She's human though and she'll make mistakes, but it doesn't mean that her walk with the Lord isn't genuine. I appreciate you ladies immensely. You touch on topics that many people refrain from. So many people need to hear what you have to say. Your topics and opinions don't fit societal norms, but we need more of that on social media. There are too many people out here that care more about being liked and accepted, in lieu of telling the truth.

  8. First off, you two look gorgeous as usual ❤ . I cannot believe that she is faking this. Sometimes people come to a point in life where they want to change their whole lifestyle or part of their lifestyle and there is nothing wrong with that.And especially in the world she found herself in, I think she has now found a bit of peace within herself. I am so proud of her❤. Greetings from Holland

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