
33 تعليق

  1. I think in some, way, shape, form, or fashion Angela is going to win…she's the mother of the only male child that will be able to carry on the Kardashian name traditionally…all the other male children have their fathers last name…West, Dissick, Thompson…idk how, but I feel like she's got leverage that won't pay off until later on down rhe road

  2. Girl move on, she keep talking about that family like get a new gig, get a job 9-5 find a hobby.
    The world moved on from your relationship with rob a long time ago so move on yourself.

  3. apparently they tried to get Chyna’s show off tv so the network was like “why would we cancel a successful show?” bc season 2 was already in the works. that’s when Kris decided to throw Kylie in and that’s why she randomly had one season of her own show.

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