بلاك شينا الحقيقية الحلقة 8: بلاك شينا وموم طوكيو توني غو 2️⃣ العلاج بلاك شينا الحقيقية، بلاك شينا، بلاك شينا الحقيقية، بلاك شينا موم طوكيو توني، طوكيو توني، شبكة زيوس، أنجيلا وايت، روب كارداشيان، دريم كارداشيان، الحلقة 8 عرض بلاك شينا الحقيقي، بلاك شينا الحقيقية، مقطع حصري، أخبار المشاهير، بلاك شينا روب كارداشيان، مقابلة بلاك شينا، مصفف شعر بلاك شينا، بلاك شينا تايجا، بلاك شينا كايلي جينر، روب وبلاك شينا، بلاك شينا كيم كارداشيان، بلاك شينا إنستغرام، أطفال بلاك شينا |موقع قفشات


31 تعليق

  1. She still needs therapy, out here asking people for money and calling people broke, when she's the one asking for money 😅😅😅I will never give a nasty foul mouth person like that a dime period 💯 🤣

  2. I believe she’s jealous of her daughter. Chyna is so successful right now. She’s raising both her kids by herself. She’s everything that her mom was not. That’s what I see. I just see jealousy.

  3. Chyna doesn’t realize that the only reason her therapist is bringing up things she doesn’t want to talk about is because it is those exact situations that’s affecting your life today. Those situations you don’t want to talk about. She needs to just relax and trust the process. Or forget it and move on. Do what you been doing. Being happy, then loosing your mind at a drop of a dime. Getting angrier than angry when things are not going your way. Whatever Chyna. Put her away and bring out Angela.

  4. I agree that she’s narcissistic. But I also believe she has multiple personalities.
    Black Chyna has a whole lot going on physically, emotionally and mentally. She should give her other personalities a name. 🤷🏽‍♀️ it’s just my opinion

  5. Well definitely a lot of pain a lot of insecurity and there’s nothing wrong with her wanting to make her life better but again, you know you go to Therapy not too many of us would do it in front of a camera and I understand that that’s her way of making money but at some point You have to get back to your core to yourself, the self that God created in the womb of your mother to be here who is that person and I don’t think you can really do that in front of a camera

  6. It’s clear the moderator doesn’t know anything about therapy. She’s being rude to therapist? I mean, it’s therapy, the place you discuss and act out the things you can’t discuss and act out anywhere else, other than church. Also, the therapist is good but he had his own agenda and he missed that she is disassociated and guarded. She doesn’t feel comfortable fulling letting him in because she needs a safe place to vent. You can’t just start talking about deep things which require rapport building on the first session. He’s digging to deep for a first session, that’s televised. He didn’t allow her to take the lead, which is what the client does. It’s called free association

  7. She was very rude to him. That’s part of therapy, it’s being uncomfortable in a controlled environment. People will not understand how it feels to find a good therapist that you can open up to. It’s incredible. I’ve seen my Psychiatrist for going on 15 years now and I’m JUST NOW opening up to her about certain things. I talk to her once a week like I’m catching up with a friend. It’s truly amazing to have a professional you can open up to and them be trained to analyze it and explain how it affected you. Once you find the right one, it will make a world of difference.

  8. I just could not do therapy with cameras around. Like it would be pointless because I would not be able to talk about the things I need to if I know it’s being recorded. I like this therapist though, he was trying to get her to open up but she wasn’t there for it. You can see when she starts feeling she starts acting like her mom. Also she said he was bringing things up she didn’t think mattered, but that’s the point of therapy he knows even if you don’t say it these things had an effect on you and you’re still suffering from it.
    *Side note I hate that fake little soft voice she uses sometimes. 😂 it just drives me crazy and I can’t explain why!

  9. ran across this video & pge first time, liked your structure. But for the record @17:00 with ur statement " within a lot of AA households mom always feels in competition with daughters" that is inaccurate b/c you don't know & cannot speak for a lot of Black family households. You most certainly can speak from your own experience & family & those around you but not categorize all of us. Most reasonable average American parents for the most part want our children to do better & have better than what we had. It would be wise for us to try to make an effort to stop repeating inaccurate stats in regards to our community. We are unconsciously harsh & quick to believe negative stereo types from what we are told & shown thru media without any personal actual fact checking. Most times what we think is truth on us is wrong, just regurgitating manufactured stats created & given by this American government. A gov who has a known hatred & calculated, intentional desire for our demise as Black Americans. Just! Food 4 thought no disrespect! Good luck 2 u!.

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