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14 تعليق
Yes, Rob shouldn't have posted what he did.
however, I don't think Rob was ready for a relationship. he was still struggling with a lot around the time he got together with chyna.
They both need space and to sort themselves out.
im in the "she's a trash person, but those pictures were private" camp.
I'm just saying " why do we care for these people ? "
they are both terrible parents and terrible people. please save the baby
Pepe the frog looking ass
Ok ur just defending black china really
Brava! This is a much better follow-up video. Pretty much just facts were presented this time, which could not be said of one-sided feminist-flavored snark of the first vid that introduced this drama trumpeting Chyna as an innocent victim. This time, you showed facts facing both parties, and even a refutation to Chyna's spin. Y'all actually listened to our complaints. TY.
why is this relevent? like w irrelevant people fighting so what ?
This proves how ignorant women are to be honest, all actions have consequences, if you do something like Blac did, then its deserved she gets exposed the way she did, what should she be allowed to just get away with it with all of his funded implants and cars? Bullshit.
Rob fucked for posting revenge porn, but that doesn't mean what she did was okay. They're both toxic people for different reasons.
Although revenge porn is wrong, this bitch must be loving all the spotlight she's receiving. Sending vids of yourself making out with another guy to your ex is pretty shit.
People who try to make this a convo on rape culture is being dumb. Not everything is about you and sometimes, it's about two adults that are fighting like kids.
What do you think is an appropriate punishment for Rob Kardashian?
@WhatsTrending I love
this channel. Keep up the good
work! ps.You guys are hilarious