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47 تعليق
me and tj love black China and rob
I think chyna didn't learn that popping a baby it's not gonna keep him to her XD history will repeat itself
She put it on Rob!
how stupid can rob b thinking she really likes him its obviously. a eady paycheck and revenge to the kardashiens.Chyna and Tyga are gna be messing around behind there backs.Poor rob .Chyna and Tyga both hit the jackpot lol
bruh are dumb…how could you knock her up.😶😷💩
Interesting family tree 🐸🍵
i feel sorry fpr the kids
Not trying to mean but did they do that for their relationship to be agreed to the kardashianss and jenners if you know what i mean because we all saw or just me who saw the episode trailer where rob is arguewing with his fam about his relationship with blac chyna about something bc in the first episode of keeping up with kardashians 12 if you watch it you saw kim kloe and the others sisters talking about rob buying a house beside blac chyna's which and inviting her in kloe's house which kloe didn't know they were telling kris not to pay for his down payment annd the regifting of the ipad kendall gave but kris was not having it tho . I don't know about rob k. I kinda don't like performance lately 😪😪 . Just my opinion again not trying to be
mean 😃 congratz to them ♡
Oh no. This is not going to end well at all.
Why would you ask if he's trying to stir up drama if you said it doesn't seem like it?
let them live ther life but blacks mom is bull Tokyo that's how far the black women have fall fake hair fake eyes fake everything you couldn't come up with a name that sounds like a black name my goodness every culture but your own right
Teacher: King Ciaro who's the this
KG: it's my uncle daddy
so he "ran" away from his family to be with a hoe bag who's no different from those who he resented?! All I can say to black Chyna is…yet again… KA CHING!
Right, it was definitely PREMEDITATED on Chynas part.
happy for chyna
let me just guess… Tyga is upset cuz he knows he ain't getting the kinda sex Rob is…. sorry Tyga, but that's what you get for dating a barely breathing Barbie doll….
Slow tf down engaged after 3 months,NOT even married yet,and now having a baby. I'm praying for King he's probably like damn my mama is so thirsty for a relationship.
Rob fucked up lol
seriously??! they have only been dating for 4 months they have rush into it quickly im happy for them but rob and chyna have rushed into it badly like
So i am guessing Chyna is cashing in on Rob. Smdh
chyna like nicki minaj lyric like I WIN, bitch, YOU LOSE ahahaaa ima ima bad bitch ima ima bad bitch hahaha haha
Blac China will never becaume a kardashing
Tyga and Chyna's son will have to draw one fucked up family tree for his future school project..
Bruh, Chyna did that shit 😂
Bruh, Chyna did that shit 😂
Im not surprised but im happy for them!😍❤✨
Lol this whole family is a mess 😂😂😂😂
but she is not gonna fit in in KUWTK
props to tyga for being mature and kind.
what the fuck did the world do to deserve this family? someone tell me!
Aw, I'm so happy for Rob and Angela (Blac Chyna). That baby is going to be so cute! I hope it's a girl.
So, if Tyga and Kylie get married, King and Their new child with be siblings, AND cousins….
The Kardashians are probably really pissed right now
I hate blac chyna but then again rob pisses me off why dose he have to be in keeping up with the Kardashians his fat obese ass spoiled his season 😤😤😤
they're so cute together, but the family tree is kind of eh and if tyga and kylie decided to get married, well damn their kid would be confused
I love this couple…I think they are really in love and they look happy all the time
i've never seen rob leave his room, when tf did this happen
So if kylie married tyga then she will almost somehow be the mother of robs child… I think
He family tree Lmao
wtf tyga is the dad of chynas kid and Kylie is with him this family is just getting weirder and weirder
Blac Chyna about to get that money from all different directions.
this is messed up
Yessssss, really want to see what happens now. Also Rob and blac chyna are SOOO cute together