تريجر تخاطب “ذا ريال بلاك شاينا” + ماذا حدث شاهد الحلقة 1: شاهد الحلقة 2: شاهد الحلقة 3: شاهد الحلقة 4: شاهد الحلقة 5: تريجر ذا ريال بلاك شاينا، تريجر، بلاك شاينا، بلاك شاينا ذا ريال، بلاك شاينا موم طوكيو توني، طوكيو توني، شبكة زيوس، أنجيلا وايت، روب كارداشيان، دريم كارداشيان، الحلقة 6 ذا ريال بلاك شاينا، ذا ريال بلاك شاينا، مقطع حصري، أخبار المشاهير، بلاك شاينا روب كارداشيان، مقابلة بلاك شاينا، مصفف شعر بلاك شاينا، بلاك شاينا تايجا، برنامج ويندي ويليامز، بلاك شاينا كايلي جينر، روب وبلاك شاينا، بلاك شاينا كيم كارداشيان، بلاك شاينا إنستغرام، أطفال بلاك شاينا، KUWTK |موقع قفشات


24 تعليق

  1. I watched every episode and in my opinion I think blac Chyna did u dirty, how that whole thing went down I think u were blindsided and I think it all stems from her ghetto ass loser mom getting in her head if I was her I would be so embarrassed to even tell anyone that she was my mom!! That woman is a total loser and all she wants is for Angela to support her lazy ghetto ass!!! But as far as u from what I seen I think u were a real friend to her and I think she will miss ur friendship, so just stay cool and don't get on social media and be making any comments cause that will just make u look bad. She will see in time just how much her mom takes her for cause this whole time she is jealous of Angela and that's why she got in her head and continued to keep slamming all of u and as u see it worked real well and now she has nobody but her ghetto ass gold digging mom if that's what u would call her, if I was Angela, no joke I would never admit that loserr was my mom she's a total embarrassment!!! Watch and see she will really screw Angela's life up!!! Im sorry u were treated that way by her, I honestly thought she was a better person than that and I thought she also had a Lil more class but I don't know her personally. After watching all episodes of her story she did change my mind as to what I thought about her because all I ever heard was about the idiot Kardashian women always slamming her. Hopefully in time u 2 can repair ur friendship but if her ghetto mom stays around I don't think u will ever get ur friendship back. Her mom wants everyone gone so she can manage Angela and take as much as she can get from her just watch and see!!! Goodluck to u hon, u do seem like a good friend to have!!! Kathy, Columbus, ohio.

  2. Wish i was feeling sorry for her but i am not, she's only feeling this pain because its happening to her now she now seeing that Chyna is around bad company when Tokyo said that she didnt say anything instead she went on to add that she witnessed the abused caused by Tokyo …

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