صدر حكم في محاكمة عائلة كارداشيان-جينر ضد خطيبة روب كارداشيان السابقة بلاك تشاينا. منذ 20 أبريل، كانت تشاينا -المولودة باسم أنجيلا وايت- متورطة في معركة قانونية مع كريس جينر وبناتها كيم كارداشيان وكلوي كارداشيان وكايلي جينر، حيث رفعت دعوى قضائية ضدهم بتهمة التشهير والتدخل المتعمد في عقدها مع E!. تأتي المحاكمة بعد خمس سنوات من رفع تشاينا، 33 عامًا، دعواها القضائية ضدهم. اشترك في مجلة People ►► #BlacChyna #RobKardashian #TheKardashians #PEOPLE تعرف على أحدث أخبار المشاهير وأهم القصص والمزيد: تذهب مجلة PEOPLE إلى ما وراء الكواليس مع نجوم غلافنا للحصول على قصص حصرية ومقابلات متعمقة: تذهب مجلة PEOPLE إلى عمق نجومك ومشاهيرك المفضلين لتقديم قصص وميزات حصرية لك: ادخل إلى منازل المشاهير المفضلين لديك من خلال جولات منزلية حصرية: احصل على وصول حصري إلى أكبر حفلات زفاف المشاهير. من الفساتين والخواتم إلى الرقصات والمفاجآت، تغطي مجلة PEOPLE كل شيء: شاهد أزواجك المفضلين يكشفون أسرار الحب والسعادة في قصص حب المشاهير: ابق على اطلاع بأحدث أخبار العائلة المالكة: شاهد الأطفال يقابلون المشاهير المفضلين لديك بأروع الأسئلة التي ستسمعها على الإطلاق: نبذة عن مجلة PEOPLE تظل مجلة PEOPLE السلطة الموثوقة في مركز الثقافة الشعبية. تتميز علامة PEOPLE التجارية بمزيج فريد من الأخبار الترفيهية العاجلة والصور الحصرية ومقاطع الفيديو والوصول غير المسبوق إلى السجادة الحمراء والمشاهير والتقارير المتعمقة عن صناع الأخبار الأكثر إقناعًا في عصرنا. تواصل مع PEOPLE الويب: تويتر: فيسبوك: إنستغرام: عائلة كارداشيان جينر تفوز بمحاكمة التشهير ضد بلاك تشاينا | PEOPLE
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23 تعليق

  1. Everyone read lynne ciani’s linked in to het the REAL VERDICT NOT THIS KARDASHIAN INFLUENCED ONE. The kardashians were found to be guilty all everything they were accused of, but even with this finding jury didn’t award anything.

    People you are liars

  2. Tell the whole story People. From Lynne Ciani’s LinkedIn account:

    9 Facts You Will Not See in the Mainstream Media Regarding Blac Chyna’s Trial Against the Kardashians/Jenners:

    1. The jury reached a verdict that Kris Jenner’s statement that Chyna beat the s**t out of Rob’s face was not true or substantially true.

    2. The jury reached a verdict that Kylie Jenner’s statement that Chyna “will proceed with using and physically abusing my brother” was not true or substantially true.

    3. The jury reached a verdict that ALL 4 defendants — Kris, Kim, Khloe, and Kylie — did not act reasonably and in good faith to protect their own economic interests in the Rob & Chyna show.

    4. The jury reached a verdict that the actions of ALL 4 defendants — Kris, Kim, Khloe, and Kylie — were not justified with respect to Angela White’s (Blac Chyna’s) contractual relationship with E! Network.

    5. After the reading of the verdict and polling of the jury as requested by Plaintiff Angela White, the jury had to go back into the jury room to deliberate again three separate times on four separate special verdict form questions. The special verdict form was objected to as confusing and unduly prejudicial to Plaintiff.

    6. Three days into trial, the Dept. 96 court clerk (court clerk to the trial judge for 13 years) was removed from the case after openly requesting that defense counsel allow her and her adult daughter to have a special, private meeting with the four defendants — Kris, Kim, Khloe, and Kylie — and then following through with her request as seen by several witnesses, including possibly trial jurors. The trial judge never explained whether he had known and/or approved of his authoritative court clerk’s egregious conflict of interest and biased conduct.

    7. At the start of trial, the trial judge correctly ruled that the Defendants’ false statements that Chyna had physically abused Rob were defamatory per se under California law (CACI 1700). The trial judge’s ruling was consistent with the Second District Court of Appeal’s ruling that Plaintiff was entitled to a jury trial based on defamation per se. However, without any due process to Plaintiff, the trial judge removed the defamatory per se jury instruction, even though Defendants had falsely accused Chyna of committing a crime.

    8. Without a further hearing as requested by Plaintiff, the trial judge committed reversible error by including a highly prejudicial, punitive, and baseless jury instruction that falsely stated that Plaintiff had violated a court order regarding production of her financial records. Plaintiff believes this erroneous jury instruction improperly led the jury to not award any damages to Plaintiff.

    9. The trial judge also committed reversible error by not taking remedial action after Defendants’ counsel intentionally violated a court order by placing naked Revenge Porn photos of Plaintiff in front of her during key cross-examination testimony, which massively triggered Plaintiff and led to her meltdown on the witness stand.

  3. But they actually didn’t win. The jury ruled in her favor stating they lied that she abused Rob (defamation) and that they did interfere with her show. Even though she won the claims, they would not give her monetary damages. Of course they wouldn’t give a black woman that kind of money. So she proved her case, but they were so spiteful, they gave her no money.

  4. I’m fed up with the Kardshians enough is enough with this family. Why should everything always get handed them on a silver platter. The Kardshians make me sick to my stomach with their damn nonsense all the time. They never work hard and plus they are terrible actors on TV. To me they are just another average family just trying to screw everyone which is what they have done. They are taking advantage of our justice system that’s all.

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