يتم نشر مقاطع الفيديو كل يوم! أحبكم جميعًا! القناة الرئيسية: تابعوا حساباتي على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي Instagram: Twitter: Snapchat: njacob0201 أنا أقدر حقًا كل الدعم من كل فرد من أفراد الأسرة! أحبكم يا رفاق! |موقع قفشات
Oh man you people are so mislead in this life, believing everything you're told and allowed to see. Discernment level is at an all time low with this bunch. These hollyweird people are putting on quite a show for you and as usual you're eating it all up. If she was really about living in light, she'd leave the dark industry completely and have faith she'll be taken care of but no she has to make her money the same dirty way she always has.
Thing is, going to the grammys could have been the definitive, "yeah I ain't about this life" experience she needed to KNOW she can't be bothered with it anymore. You know how you get saved then try to step out with your friends somewhere you used to go, only to get there and realize you REALLY don't wanna be there.
We are not God to determine her final destination after she leaves this Earth. May she be given all the strength to stay on the path of righteousness. I just know the spirit of Darkness will keep coming after her. If she partook in all those things that she listed, well let just say God will be the one to know what to do with her. We all are working for our own salvation. God be with her. I also pray she be around the right people who will give her the love, support and encouragement she needs on her new life path. ( I will never get a Tattoo. It does not belong on my body. I know I’m old school but I also feel it’s a spiritual thing and a gateway into a lot of other things. Give the Devil an inch and he takes a mile coming for your soul for all eternity.)
They do give you numbing cream, but it still hurts after, my husband got some tattoos, taking off and he said it hurts and it smells like burning flesh
Iam very glad she found the right path, Amen!! Another beautiful youtuber..sorry Noah:)) eplains all very well, her channel: The peculiar daughter. describes the mind methods of dark forces, amazing for learning this theme.
And why are we being made to care about her? Because she is a celebrity and has money and fame. How about people being made to care for the widows and the fatherless boys? The level of blindness is pandemic.
Brother! Don't get a tattoo! The Lord is against us marking our bodies. He warns us about getting them. Lev 9:18. While we are no longer under the law, blood eating and tattoos are not allowed.
But she still moving with the same levels of success with the same circle this the new way to confuse y’all, wake up she on Forbes ,doing movies,going to the Grammy ,doing interviews on the same platforms. She not washed clean enough to give up the money that was root in evil and wickedness ,see God allowed the devil to take everything from job including his riches. My point is as long as she keeps that money rooted in evil she still linked in. Wake up
Leviticus 19:28 warns against any kind of tattoo. God warned His people through Moses to not mark your body. Not only is it defiling God's temple, but it is a demonic stronghold. Any tattoo should be removed or avoided when we take on the Christian name.
She had tyga real name on her . They where engaged to get married. I had totally forgotten she had his name on her . Wow good for removing it and all . God is really working in her .
35 تعليق
She really felt that head and horns coming off

God bless her , she's doing great
Oh man you people are so mislead in this life, believing everything you're told and allowed to see. Discernment level is at an all time low with this bunch. These hollyweird people are putting on quite a show for you and as usual you're eating it all up. If she was really about living in light, she'd leave the dark industry completely and have faith she'll be taken care of but no she has to make her money the same dirty way she always has.
Thing is, going to the grammys could have been the definitive, "yeah I ain't about this life" experience she needed to KNOW she can't be bothered with it anymore. You know how you get saved then try to step out with your friends somewhere you used to go, only to get there and realize you REALLY don't wanna be there.
God moves in silence. The devil seeks attention. Stay safe, everyone.
Big ups to her
We are not God to determine her final destination after she leaves this Earth.
May she be given all the strength to stay on the path of righteousness. I just know the spirit of Darkness will keep coming after her. If she partook in all those things that she listed, well let just say God will be the one to know what to do with her.
We all are working for our own salvation.
God be with her. I also pray she be around the right people who will give her the love, support and encouragement she needs on her new life path.
( I will never get a Tattoo. It does not belong on my body. I know I’m old school but I also feel it’s a spiritual thing and a gateway into a lot of other things. Give the Devil an inch and he takes a mile coming for your soul for all eternity.)
They do give you numbing cream, but it still hurts after, my husband got some tattoos, taking off and he said it hurts and it smells like burning flesh
She should just do another tattoo over that better for the pain.
Good for her but she has to do a lot more than this there are lots of souls and innocent young girls who she has allowed astray
Iam very glad she found the right path, Amen!! Another beautiful youtuber..sorry Noah:)) eplains all very well, her channel: The peculiar daughter. describes the mind methods of dark forces, amazing for learning this theme.
God Bless her in Jesus name….Amen
People really don’t understand how big this is !!! Heaven is rejoicing ! Her followers blood won’t be on her hands anymore ! Hallelujah !

I am so proud of her
Nah bro dont put makings on ur body check leviticus 19 :28
Bro sipping fiji
Jay z next
Let’s continue to PRAY for celebrities and hollywood bcuz they need JESUS YALL!!! PRAISE AND GLORY TO GOD!!!
Imagine how much freedom she’s feeling !!! Her testimony is/will be powerful! Glory to the most high !
And why are we being made to care about her? Because she is a celebrity and has money and fame. How about people being made to care for the widows and the fatherless boys? The level of blindness is pandemic.
Where was the tatoo on her body?
i bet the illuminati is fuming watching her turn to god. Shes doing right, turning to god. Amen
As she should no tatoo makes a girl look more feminine that’s it that’s all idk why people ruin they skin
I hope that more celebrities are touched by the Holy spirit
Every knee shall bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. !

Too much judgement going on
Why did she get it removed? This does not mean anything. I don't know why people fighting for salvation when it is only granted to Jacob seeds!
Brother! Don't get a tattoo! The Lord is against us marking our bodies. He warns us about getting them. Lev 9:18. While we are no longer under the law, blood eating and tattoos are not allowed.
But she still moving with the same levels of success with the same circle this the new way to confuse y’all, wake up she on Forbes ,doing movies,going to the Grammy ,doing interviews on the same platforms. She not washed clean enough to give up the money that was root in evil and wickedness ,see God allowed the devil to take everything from job including his riches. My point is as long as she keeps that money rooted in evil she still linked in. Wake up
All I got to say is hallelujah
Leviticus 19:28 warns against any kind of tattoo. God warned His people through Moses to not mark your body. Not only is it defiling God's temple, but it is a demonic stronghold. Any tattoo should be removed or avoided when we take on the Christian name.
GOD is working through her amen like he's working through. Your an emblem for the youth
She had tyga real name on her . They where engaged to get married. I had totally forgotten she had his name on her . Wow good for removing it and all . God is really working in her .